Chapter 4

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Drake's POV

The wind rushed in as we walked through the navy blue doors knowing no one would stand up to me or reject me in anyway cause I rule this land. Damn I sound like an arrogant bad ass, sweet. Next to me is my best buddy and my second in command Trent a guy with midnight black hair and light green eyes with a muscular built which all the ladies swoon over, but he would never go for these selfless barbie like girls that go for him only his soul mate. The guy on my left side has short blond hair, dark brown eyes and the same muscular built we all have in the group (we train quite a bit), the only thing that stands out is he is my wing man and a shy guy whose name is Niall like that directioner dude making all the ladies love him.

As we walked through the halls I watched some people try to hide from us as we are quite an intimidating bunch, but the only thing that brought me back from all the people staring at us was the most memorizing smell that reminded me of good times. The scent was like peaches and lilies mixed together in great joy as they danced together, nothing could bring me down making me want to find out where this heavenly smell was coming from. The only thing that stopped me was math and detention. Damn school rules and education, but hey i don't want to be known as just a pair of muscles. 

Mr. Reef glared at us from a distance whilst I took my normal seat at the back with Trent and Niall sitting on either side of me as I glared at the board waiting for this to be over. All i want to do is have my sweet time to find this heavenly smell so I can return to my senses and make this mood go away.

Watching every movement in the class you could tell no one had a clue about what Mr. Reef was saying and trying to show us. The problems just confused everyone even more making my pencil tapping away on the desk waiting for the bell to ring make the time go by. Whilst I stared at the board trying to figure out the equation everyone was screwing up their faces at the work for different reasons. The clocks hands moved ever so slowly only to show we had 5 more minutes of this math hell to go then we could get out of here.

"Briiinnnnnggggg" Rushing from my desk and grabbing my stuff I hopped out of the room and quickly went to my locker to try and think of where I had to go next. When all of a sudden I smelt the delicious smell again as it crosses my path making my brain fuzz over and try to catch the wonderful smell in my mind.

Dreamily walking to class the smell began to get stronger and my wolf senses began to set in. Suddenly I stopped just in time to register a small bump hit my chest making my wolf howl at me for what I had done. Glancing to see what it was I smelt the heavenly smell right in front of me bring back to what had happened to this creature in front of me. All i could see was this was her looking up at me. She is this stunning girl with waving dark brown hair on the brink of black with heavenly dark brown eyes staring straight at me making me want to hold her and declare her mine. I heard a faint whisper as she mumbled something to herself making her jump up in shock noticing she was wrong about what she thought I was making me chuckle at her silly thought whilst I answered her.

"Well um I just wanted to say sorry and I also wanted to introduce myself. Also I am not a wall as you can see." After I had said that she started to giggle making me raise my eyebrow at why she was laughing only to me it sounded like sweet music. She stops giggle her sweet laugh to speak.

"Um sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. Well my name is Lila Vonmare." Her beautiful brown eye just stared into my dark brown eyes after her words that made me laugh on the inside come out. Lila what a beautiful name for a beautiful lady.

"My name is Drake Slade. What brings you here beautiful?" Her cute little cheeks blushed red after my words. She looked so perfect standing there with her ruby red cheeks i just wanted to hug her, but i stayed were i was waiting for her to answer.

"My mum kind of got her old job back so we had to move back here and try to restart our old life here." I could only find myself grinning as she spoke as I found her interesting and quite cute.

"Well that's cool. Sadly my wonderful self has to leave your presence so I will see you around Lila and maybe we could see a movie sometime." I felt sadness having to leave her, but hey the bloody education system calls. I started to go leaving her gorgeous face behind knowing we will met again.

Suddenly turning back to catch a final glance I watched her cute ass run fade away into the distance and I knew she was much more to me than some random girl. The only thing that was stuck inside me was she was something special.

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