Chapter 2 ~ Sorting, Soups, and Spit Takes*

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( I only own Anna and Izzy, sadly I don't own Harry Potter, all rights go to J.K. Rowling)

Chapter 2: Sorting, Soups and Spit Takes

After we got to Hogwarts, the Prefects rushed us into the Great Hall for the Sorting Ceremony and the Opening Feast. Once we were seated at the Gryffindor table, and the rest of the students were at their house tables, Professor Dumbledore silenced everyone and the double doors flew open. McGonagall walked in with a trail of scared and excited first years behind her. I elbowed Fred in the ribs and pointed towards Ron; he looked terrified. Fred just laughed at the look on his youngest brother's face. Earlier on in the summer, Fred and I were physicking Ron out, telling him he would have to fight a troll in order to be sorted. To be fair, Bill had done the same to us when we were in Ron's position.

Ron looked relived, shocked, and angry (clearly at Fred and I) when he saw McGonagall place the Sorting Hat on the old four legged stool. The hat began to sing its song and once that was over, the sorting began.

The first handful of students were sorted into Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. The first student to be placed in Gryffindor was Lavender Brown, and off course, our house busted out in applause, welcoming in our new 'family' member to our table. As the sorting continued, we got Hermione Granger, Seamus Finnigan, and Neville Longbottom, who tripped over the stool and ran off with the hat still on his head.

"Poor guy." Anna said, probably remembering our sorting. She tripped on my robes, causing me to fall on Fred, who fell on George, who fell on Lee, who fell on Angelina, who knocked over the sorting hat which was sitting neatly on its stool. I don't think I had ever seen Anna as red as she was in that moment.

"Potter, Harry." The hall instantly filed with whispers.

"Gosh, I hope we get Harry." Anna said.

"Same here," I nodded towards her.

"I can't believe it, the Harry Potter!" Lee said from across the table.

"Fingers crossed!" Angelina said as she grabbed Lee's hand. Lee looked shocked to say the least. The two of them had a thing for each other, but both were too shy to do anything about it.

It seemed as though everyone in the hall had their breath held in as Harry moved to the stool and sat down, the hat was placed on his head by McGonagall. The Hat was muttering things to quite for us to hear, but finally the Hat spoke louder for everyone to hear.

"Not Slytherin, eh? Well, if you're sure- better be GRFFINDOR!"

"Oh my Godric! He just said Gryffindor! We got Harry Potter!" Anna yelled, all of Gryffindor was on their feet applauding and cheering. Anna was jumping up and down like a five year old on Christmas morning.

Fred turned to me; his arms spread apart, a look of shock on his face. "WE GOT POTTER!" He said pulling me into a hug. I felt a bit disappointed when he pulled away from the hug.

I was brought back to reality when my sister and the twins started to chant, "WE GOT POTTER! WE GOT POTTER!" for everyone in the hall to hear. I joined in with them and soon we were the last ones standing and cheering in the Great Hall. Dumbledore gave us a look which shut us right up and we sat down with mile wide grins on our faces. As Harry approached the Gryffindor table, Nearly Headless Nick gave him a pat on the back and welcomed him to the house of the brave.

The sorting went on and finally it was Ron's turn to go and try the hat on. He looked sickly and was almost as pale as the multitude of ghosts in the room. The Hat was placed on his head and he was quickly sorted into Gryffindor like the rest of his brothers. The sorting ended when the final student was sorted into Slytherin.

Double Double Trouble (A Fred and George Weasley Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz