shut up and kiss me

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Jake is only in the first chapter

Jake and I lied on his bed making out. When suddenly he stopped and sat up. We need to talk . He said in a serious tone. What's wrong. Are you okay. I say with a confused look on may face trying to reashure that he was fine. The other day when I went to Rachel's. She... I... We... slept together. He said fastly stumbling over his word. WHAT?!?! I questioned hoping that the words I had just heard coming from my boyfriends mouth weren't part of some sick joke he was trying to play. I'm sorry. He whispered looking down trying not to make eye contact. I began to let tears fall from my cheeks knowing now that he was being serious now. I just got up and started to walke out... I didn't have anything to say to him I wanted to yell but I was so shocked that no words would come out. Y/n please wait just listen for one second. He whined and grabbed my wrist. I could tell he was upset. He new what he did was wrong but that doesn't make it okay. I turned around slowly and just looked at him foe a good five seconds. There's nothing that listen to Jake. We're done. This... This is done. I said calmly motioning my hands between the two of us. I know that scared him the fact that I stayed calm almost the entire time. I just walked out of the door and started walking.

I didn't know what I was doing I just walked until I got to where I kniew I was ted to go. I knocked on the door and evlylen answers. She had a sad look on her face as if she knew what happened already. Is Benny Here. I said in between. He's up stairs in is room. I ran up the stairs and started knocking on the dookr until he answered it. I just stood there looking at him for a few seconds. He had a confused look on his face, the type of look that said what happens why are you here. What are you doing here its 10:00 at night. He questioned. That's when I lost it. I wrapped my arms around him supporting my self so I didn't end up on the floor as I histerically balled my eyes out. At this point he didn't know what to do he wrapped his arms around me just trying to comfort me even though he had no idea what was going on. What's wrong? What's going on? Hey talk to me. He said trying to be calm me down looking me staight in the eyes. Talk to me. He whispered. Jake. Cheated. On .me. I said with a sob between each word. I sat on his bed it my hands to my face. He sat next to me putting his arm around me as I rest my head on his shoulder. Shhhh its okay. Its okay.

I looked up at him and had the sudden urge to kiss him I don't know what it was. He realized I was staring at him and looked down at me. So I took my chance and I leaned up and smashed our lips together wrapping my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me on to his lap so we were facing each other. I bagan to trail little kisses down his neck. He let out a loud sigh and lightly pushed me off of him. Y/n I don't like you like that. Benny said. What are you talking about. You giggle. I... I don't have dealings for you. I'm sorry. He said trying to let me down easy trying not to hurt my fealings. Neither do I. But I just found out my boyfriend cheated on me and I need some one. So shut up and kiss me. I said not caring.

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