The Beginning (Jordans POV)

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As I walk though the doors of Hoffchuck High School, or as the students call it Hickey High because everyone is making out all the time in the hall way, the first thing I see is the girl I've been in love with since she moved here in seventh grade. The second thing I see is my bitch of a girlfriend Kelly, who everyone adores and the only reason I'm still dating her is because she has awesome tits and is not that much of a slut.

I try to walk past Kelly to go talk to my love, Emi, and I'm just about to make it when I hear a squeal followed by "Jay-Jay!" In a high pitched annoying voice that belongs to my one and only, Kelly.

"So I've heard that you have been planning to join football this year." She state in her perky voice. I roll my eyes.

"Kelly," I reply annoyed "I'm already on the football team. I've been on it for the entire year and since high school started, four years ago. Remember?" I said, my words dripping with sarcasm.

She flips her platinum blonde hair and laughs one of those teen movie girl laughs and bats her eyelashes innocently. "Of course you are silly," she giggles "that's why you're my boyfriend, DUH."

I look at her as though she is an alien who just spoke gibberish, contemplating whether I should break up with her right then and there, but I don't want to seem shallow and break up with her just because she is a branded nut who only cares about her looks and herself. Actually that's the perfect reason to break it off with her.

"Kelly," I hesitate. Ok hesitate is a bad word, panic is better, "Meet me after school so we can hang out tonight." My words rush out. I mean I can't break up with her during school in front of everyone. That's just harsh. Even for her.

She smiles unsure of my word jumble. "Okaaaayyyy." She jokes stretching the word like a cartoon. She giggles at her own word, turns on her heal and then skips away. I roll my eyes at how childish she is.

School is a drag I have math first, Pre. Calculus, which I didn't pay attention to or understand, and I won't do the homework for. Then I have English which we were talking about some Shakespeare or Mozart or some shit like that. Afterwards I walked to to science, my only class with Emi, we were getting new seats and guess who sat next to me....the nerd of the class named Tommy who smelled like moldy cheese. Emi got to sit even farther away from me than the first time. Yay me.

I didn't pay attention the rest of the day, I was too worried about what I was going to say to Kelly. What if I mess up? What if she crumbles? What if I can't do it? All I know is that either my nightmares or my dreams are going to come true.

Later that day my nightmares prevail when I was walking out of school and I trip down the schools front steps and in front of Kelly. But when I go to get up I kneeled and grabbed Kelly's hands to regain my balance and panted out "We need to talk." And she burst into tears.

I hung my head in shame and embarrassment when out of nowhere she stopped, gasped, and then screamed "I DO!!" Which almost rendered me deaf AND confused. To which I then stopped, thought, and then realized I was kneeling on one knee and holding her hands while looking nervous. Oh damn, I'm in deep shit now.

I can't break her heart but I can't have her marry me, but how do you play this off.

I breathe in and look at my girlfriend/fiancée and talk slowly in order to think straight. "Kelly," I start "before we finalize this decision we need to talk about it throughly, and then talk to our parents." I say but she's too busy crying and being happy. Altough this doesn't last for long.

"Where's my ring?" She questions.

"R-r-ring?" I sputter.

"YES RING! WHERE'S MY RING GODDAMMIT!" She shouts furious that this isn't her fantasy proposal.

"W-well I-." I manage to get out before I'm inturrupted again.

"Do you expect to marry me without a ring!?!?!" She presses.

"N-no I wasn't even going to-" I'm cut off again.

"Well come back to me when you understand how to propose correctly you moron!" She says spitefully and then throws down my hands and storms off.

Well at least I.... who am I kidding? I failed. Epically.

Hai people this is the start of my new story Road trip, which might be offensive and does have swearing. I'm sorry in advance for if I hurt anyone or upset them but I'm not changing the way I write.

This story is based of real events but names and events are exagerated and you will be able to see that throughout the book.

I'm going to try and update at least once every month. I'm also going to try to finish this book and my other one I Love May (please check it out).

I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I'm going to enjoy writing it.

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