5|| Watson

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"What do you think about all of this?" I asked Liam who sat next to me relaxed while watching all the other kids play on the playground.

"I don't know, I don't know what this business is all about. All I know is it's illegal and if you get caught they will take Gabby away from you just like that." Liam snapped his fingers as he said "that".

"That's what scares me, I don't want her to be taken away and pulled into the system." I kept my watchful eye on Gabby who ran around frantic with the other kids her age.

"What I can say is that you are a good racer. Maybe it could change yours and Gabby's life." Liam shrugged making me think about every possible question I had for this Watson guy.

"I wanna get out of here, I don't want to raise Gabby here in this dump." I sighed watching Gabby giggling while running around playing tag with her new found friend.

"Even three years later I still can't believe you haven't heard from Jade." Liam looked at me shaking his head.

"It's not surprising to me, she is selfish. I wouldn't be surprised if I never saw her again." The shade of the tree feeling nice while the slight breeze played around rustling the leaves on the tree.

"What did you ever see in her anyway?" Liam's question struck me making me think before I answered.

What had I seen in Jade? All she ever did was wreck havoc in my life. Maybe it was because I was young and stupid thinking that we could have been something. I thought what I had with Jade was something out of the ordinary when in all reality all it ever was, was a lie. Jade never cared for me, she would have rather been doped up on whatever she was taking that day.

"I don't know. I guess at the time she made me happy, she was wild in every way and that intrigued me." I said what came to mind knowing that I could go on a string of thoughts that Liam could really careless about.

"I knew the moment you met her she was trouble." Liam confessed as I turned in my seat wanting to know more.

"What do you mean?" His statement keeping my mind trapped in the curiosity that found me when he spoke.

"There was always something strange about her. She had a way about her that just screamed trouble. Everything about her from the way she walked to the way she talked." Liam enlightened me on his vantage point of Jade.

Nodding at Liam's point of view concerning Jade my thoughts reeled back to the sponsor. I could change my life if I took this offer, I could get out of here. Take care of Gabby the way she deserves to be taken care of.

"I think I'm going to take the offer." I stood up taking the card out of my pocket I had carried with me.

"Just be careful I would hate to see both you and Gabby get into trouble." Liam stood up putting a hand on my shoulder .

"Thanks Liam." He took me into a bro hug before leaving me to my business I would take care of. Dialing up the number I held the phone to my ear hearing the ring on the other line. My heart rate picked up, nervousness gathering in my mind.

"Harry?" A heavy and deep voice spoke into the phone.

"How did you know-" I was cut off by the voice on the other line.

"That's not important, have you made a decision?"

"Yes. I'm ready to do this." I said confidently looking back at Gabby again as her smile lit up her face.

"Good, you made a good choice. Come by 493 N. Westlake Road, we can talk things over about how this is going to work."

"Today?" I asked thinking about what I was going to do with Gabby while I was absent.

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