"I don't think so," Stiles shakes his head thinking "But I know someone who is willing to take a bribe."

Hayden groans, "Not that asshole we saw last time we were there Stiles."


Hayden walks with Lydia, Stiles up ahead a little. They were making there way to Brusnki's office to try and look at all the files including Lydia's grandma's. Lydia nudges her making her jump, "Sorry didn't mean to scare you. You alright?"

Hayden nods, "I just don't like this place gives me a bad vibe."

"Thats what i'm feeling too. Has Stiles figured out what you are or you have you?" Lydia says walking a step closer to Hayden away from a patient who was looking at her like he wanted to kill her.

Hayden shakes her head, her hair flying with her. "Nope, nothing has come up. We searched everywhere on the internet. We spend hours at the library just looking for anything. All we could come up with was I can see dead people and meredith somehow knows me just like peter."

Lydia smirks raising a eyebrow, "Oh so you really mean you guys hooked up in the back of the library trying to be quiet? That's Hot Collins."

Hayden gasps redness coming onto her face, her stomach feels tingly with what Lydia just said. "Lydia! No that's not gonna happen- ever."

"Okay keep lying to yourself, I can see the eye sex you guys can't."

"We do not!" Hayden yells Stiles looking back and she waves her hand telling him to keep walking.

"Please honey a stranger could tell that you guys like each other and I could already tell that you guys kissed right when I saw you guys come out of his jeep."

Hayden couldn't help but smile, "Okay fine we did kiss but that's all we did."

Before Lydia can respond, Stiles waves his hand over at them telling them to come on. Hayden and Lydia go over to Stiles walking into Brusnki's office.

"I want $1000 to let you guys in the file room." Brusnki speaks smiling creepy at Hayden making her get goosebumps. She glares back at him in return.

"Your out of your mind." Stiles says rubbing his face, where do they get money like that? they are just teenagers, Hayden doesn't work at a strip club sorry.

"When you get the keys, you make the price."

"We don't have that kind of money." Stiles says taking Hayden's hand into his. Brusnki looking down at their hands.

He looks back up his eyes flickering between stiles and Lydia, "I know you don't. If you did, Daddy Sheriff would've paid the bill by now. That's why I'm talking to her." Brusnki looks at Lydia making Lydia roll her eyes tilting her head to the left.

"I have $500."


Once they get into the files room, Stiles brings Hayden and Lydia into the room further away from the strange older man. Brusnki closes the door, neither any of the teenager's noticing.

"Lydia give me the list." Stiles says holding out his hands for it.

Stiles eyes widen looking down at the list making Hayden ask, "What is it Stiles?"

"Lydia what did you write my name?" Stiles asks confused.

"What! I didn't write your name." Lydia speaks shocked and confused as well.

"Then why is my name on the list?"

Stiles cut off by being tasered in the back by Brusnki, Stiles falling down his body shaking from the shocks. "Stiles!" Hayden cries backing into Lydia who gasps crumbling the lists bringing it up to her mouth.

Ghosts • Stiles StilisnkiWhere stories live. Discover now