Chapter One: My Return

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It had been three months, three months away from this beautiful yet terrifying place I once called home. I prayed I could maybe call it home once again, oh, how I prayed.
Like they did when I first ever came to this place, the gate opened without a word, without anyone's force; it opened by itself. However, this time it didn't spook me, I was used to everything this Academy had thrown at me. Everything. Of course, I still get shudders walking over the concrete ground, listening to the noise my wheelie bag was making behind me, the only break in silence to this cold, lonely night. Honestly, I was miserable, so miserable. I thought going home to see my mother would help with the pain but it didn't, especially not after Asuna left me. She had returned to the Academy two months before me, she could only spend so much time away before she got homesick herself. Asuna is my best friend, my roommate... the person I trust most at this school. I missed her, no. I missed everyone and everything about this school. I missed Shiki Senri, I missed Yuuki Cross, I missed Zero Kiryu even... but most of all... most of all I missed Kurando Inugami... And what hurt me the most was the acceptance... the acceptance of understanding I might not see him ever again.
I got to the middle of the school grounds where the fountain sat. It sprayed water and made the silence of the night calming and satisfying to listen to. I felt my eyes water a little bit from remembering it so vividly. From the very first night I came here and sat on the edge of it with Shiki. The night I first felt attracted to him. The night, you could say, I fell in love with him.
Why did I feel so miserable? Why? It hurt, a lot. The emptiness I felt, the feeling of not knowing. Ever since that fateful day, I haven't forgot a moment of it... Sometimes I wish I could forget. But I am reminded every single night in my dreams, my dreams of Kurando, my dreams lusting for him.
"Hey!" I grimaced towards the shadowed body of a girl approaching me. "What are you doing out of—" She stopped in her tracks. "Yuna?" She gasped placing her hands over her mouth. I stared at her blankly.
"Hi." I nodded at her in a disinterested tone. I was not very happy and I could tell she noticed by the expression of concern she shot me.
"You're back," She hugged me, I felt her breathe on my neck, she held me tightly. "I missed you, we all did." She pulled away noticing my sadness, "Are you doing okay? You look a little," She paused for a moment. I stared deeply into her eyes, "Gloomy?"
"I still haven't gotten over," I began, stuttering, "What happened." I sighed, still in disbelief. It was like all the events were catching up with me and I was now experiencing their pain but over the time span of three entire months. How long was this emptiness in my heart going to last?
"Really... well, it's understandable. Some people here haven't." She reassured me, but it didn't make me feel better; if that's what she was trying to achieve.
"How's Bane?" I asked, changing the topic. I was also very curious about how he was doing. He lost Aminta after all.
Yuuki sighed and hesitated, "Like I said, some people here haven't." She looked sad just thinking about the events that occurred.
I started to pull my bag along the ground, walking towards the dorm rooms. "I'm going to bed, are you okay working alone tonight?" I asked her. I was on the Disciplinary Committee just like her; however I didn't feel in the best mindset to stay up all night looking for misbehaving girls.
She nodded, "No need to worry, Yuna. I have it all covered." She saluted me and shot me an adorable smile. I caught myself smiling at her, something I haven't really done since Shiki kissed me on my last day of being here... I missed him dearly. "Oh, and Yuna," I turned to catch her gaze. Her eyes were twinkling in the moonlight, "Shiki has missed you, a lot. He'll be happy to know you're back."
For a moment, I felt a twinge of excitement and happiness. Just the thought of seeing Shiki again made me ecstatic. I wanted to see him, hold him and smell his familiar scent. I wanted to look into his gorgeous, mysterious eyes and feed him sweets, even though I knew he didn't like them too much. He just ate them for the sake of eating them.
"Thank you, Yuuki." I said and continued to my dorm silently. At that moment, the thought of sleeping was like heaven. Just being engulfed by the darkness and falling into a realm of imagination seemed so much better than the life I was currently experiencing at that moment in time. Silence, loneliness, fear... I needed to dream, dream about anything; even a nightmare would be nice; but... preferably not about Kurando... not another dream about him.

Once I arrived in my dorm room, I quietly unlocked the door and shuffled in as sneakily as possible. Unfortunately, I still managed to wake Asuna. "Yuna?" She mumbled sitting up slowly, rubbing her tired eyes. It was around three o'clock in the morning.
"Hello." I murmured across the room as I placed my suitcase next to the wardrobe. I opened it up and pulled out my pyjamas.
"You're back? Are you okay?" She asked yawning sheepishly.
Wait a minute, "Why aren't you on duty?" I asked her in utter confusion.
She scratched her head and looked down, "Uh... I told them I didn't wanna work until you returned." She answered.
I stared at her in silence for a moment.
She broke the silence, "How's your Mum? Is she feeling better?" My father had tried to hurt my Mum just before the 'event' occurred. He then brought an army of Level E Vampires and a Pure Blood to come destroy Cross Academy. He was supposed to be locked up in prison. At least I now know where I get those crazy Vampire repellent powers from. He was the ultimate Vampire Hunter.
"Yeah she's fine," I replied, "Honestly, just spooked. She over exaggerates the circumstances she's put into. He didn't touch her; I had a feeling he wouldn't. My Dad always had a soft spot for my Mum."
"That's good."
"You should get to bed now. I reckon you should take the day off tomorrow also, just relax and catch up on some sleep and maybe some homework. I've been collecting it for you because I was asked to." She laughed, I didn't think it was very funny. Great, work to worry about now. What else? "Have you let the Dean know you're back?"
I shook my head, "No, not yet. Could you do it in the morning so I can... well, sleep?" I asked her.
She giggled, "Yeah, sure your majesty."
"Shut up," I chuckled a bit, but it still didn't alter my mood in any way.

I hopped into bed after I had slipped into my pyjamas and brushed my teeth, but it took me eternity to fall asleep. That's what it felt like anyway. I kept tossing and turning but I still couldn't get comfortable. I guess my mind just couldn't get comfortable. Eventually I caught myself slipping into a dream and the visions of my mind grew clearer. I was asleep.
I was in a house, a big house. Everywhere I looked it seemed to have been getting bigger, like there was no end. Also, it looked familiar yet I knew I hadn't ever seen it before.
"I'm glad you're here, my beautiful Yuna." Spoke a familiar voice.
I span round and caught the eyes of a deep red gaze. He stood before me with light brown hair folding over his face a little and striking grin. Kurando.
I couldn't hold myself back, I ran towards him and leapt into his arms. He was taken aback but caught me. I felt his warm breath on my shoulder, I squeezed him tightly, holding back tears.
"Whoa, are you okay?" He asked pulling away a bit. I refused to let him do that, I kept my grasp of him firm, almost cutting off his circulation. I didn't want to let him go.
"Now I am, Kurando." I mumbled feeling tears well in my eyes. I pushed my face into his chest. He was wearing some sort of Kimono thingy... one of those one's Samurai's wear. It had cuts in the sides of his legs. "I missed you so much."
He grinned sheepishly, "I've missed you too, Yuna." He pulled away successfully this time and placed his hand on my cheek, "I'm sorry I had to leave. I wish I could have stayed, but there was nothing I could do. You saved me, that is all that matters." He spoke softly, staring deeply into my eyes. He was so attractive; I felt my heart skip a beat.
At this moment, it was like my memory of Shiki had disappeared completely. I only recalled the love I had for Kurando. It was tempting me so much, I lust for him. I reached out and placed my arms around his neck.
Kurando grinned, "I will always love you, Yuna. Do you love me?" He asked, pushing his face close to mine. I felt his breath on my mouth; we were so close to kissing. Before we had locked lips the vision disintegrated and I opened my eyes.

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