The Jock's Bet part 4

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You smiled when you saw Niall coloring on the floor with a group of kids, you took out your phone and took a quick picture before you got out of your seat and went to check on the other kids. Niall's phone went off and he looked at it, he sighed then ignored it, but Louis just kept on calling him until he picked up"what do you want, Louis?" "Don't talk to me like that, Horan! Get your ass over here and before you say something smart, just remember that I OWN your ass!" Niall hung up and went to get his stuff. You looked at him confused"where are you going? Your hours are not up yet." Niall didn't say anything, you grabbed his arm and he wrenched it away from you, but the look on his face told you enough. You watched Niall run out the door with a frown on your face, you shook your head then went back to watching the kids. Niall went over to Louis' house and found him laying on his bed, Louis smirked at Niall"sit down and watch the film with me." "Is that it?" Niall asked. Louis nodded. Niall clenched his fists"I was helping some kids and had to leave because you want me to watch a stupid film with you? Get over yourself, Tomlinson." Niall went to leave"if you walk out now, you don't want to know what will happen next." Niall didn't even turn back and he went home.

You were worried about Niall and you couldn't believe it, you thought hell would freeze over before you gave a damn about Niall, but it must have since you've been staring at the door, hoping he would come back. Once your shift was over, you drove to Niall's house, you were hesitant as you walked up those steps, but you were really worried. You rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door, soon enough you were face to face with Niall. He was surprised to see you and you couldn't blame him"can I come in?" He moved back to let you in. You followed Niall up to his room, you sat down on his bed and smirked"so this is the famous Horan lair?" Niall made a face and you felt bad"I'm sorry, I was just trying to get you to laugh. I was worried about you after you left, stupid I know, but you can't really blame me. I've heard so much about your room and how you always have girls fighting to lay on your bed." You rambled on much to Niall's amusement. He walked over to you and pressed his lips to yours, you stopped talking and once the shock wore off, you kissed him back. Niall wrapped an arm around your waist as he pressed you down on the mattress, you wrapped your arms around his neck, surprised at how much you were enjoying the kiss. To be continued. Owner-IG @Creativegurl34

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