part 2 husband and boyfriend

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Vendetto stayed that night with his best friend and his twin sister reficul. he was upset and happy because he's friend is leaving and that he telled him how much he loved him that night before they when to bed vendetto ask emalf to be his boyfriend he said yes.

Vendetto woke up at 8:30 am because someone was knocking on the door and no one got it because they were still sleeping so he got up to open the door.

Satanick said "oh I thought is was emalf and reficul house" (holding fire flowers and chocolate bats in hand). Vendetto said "this is emalf and reficul house I just stayed the night and who are you." (and how did he know this is their house this is werid).

Satanick said "im satanick the devil of the pitch black world and the husband of emalf and whats your name and who are you?" *Vendetto was speechless don't know what to say and did he just say husband of emalf as in married, what was going on here, he must me joking right* Vendetto said "im vendetto the son of lord ivlis the devil of the flame world and I left the flame world years ago."

two minutes later, emalf and reficul wake up because someone talking at the front door. emalf was shocked to see satanick and vendetto talking to each other.

Emalf said "satanick what are you doing here?" satanick said "I come to see you and gave you this." *he said with a smile and a blush handing emalf the fire flowers and chocolate bats*

Vendetto asked emalf who is this guy and why do he is your husband. emalf face was speechless he didn't know want to say but ran up the stairs to his room and shuts the door. Reficul comes out of the bedroom and she said "you two go up there and talk to him about this or I will get Lowrie here." Vendetto and satanick both stared at reficul to see if she was joking but she wasn't and then they both ran up the stairs to talk to him about the station. vendetto asked "emalf what is going on and why u didn't tell me you were married."

Emalf said "I didn't want to tell you about the married because I really love you and I didn't want to hurt you but the day you leave I was alone and upset, and I don't know what to do then Satanick came to me and made me happy, laugh and made feel alive, safe so after a few years, he and his wife Lil got into a fight and they got divorce the next day."

Satanick cut in, I was upset and broken for mouths that no one will talk to me because I was angry after that then emalf come and said I hear about you and your wife, I am sorry, the next day he made happy,smile and I forget about my ex wife and after a few years and asked emalf to be my wife. "he said I am waiting for vendetto to come back and if he doesn't then I will marry you".

*Vendetto was blushing that emalf was waiting for him to get back but he didn't because of his fight with his airheaded father and because of that emalf and satanick got married. he is happy for his friend to have a lovely husband, but he doesn't have to like him*

Satanick said "I don't care if you date emalf but if you hurt him one time, I will hurt you very badly." (saying in a cocky smile). Vendetto said "I will never hurt him not in a million years." *emalf sit there with both his husband and boyfriend talking about protecting him from getting hurt by anyone* Emalf smile and hold both of their hands walked down the stairs to eat breast fest together with Reficul and her wife Sin and her son Mors.

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