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Lucy's POV

"Don't quit your day job buddy!" I winked at the stupid teenage boy with underwear on his head.
I followed my mom away from the Ice Cream store. She muttered curse words, clutching her pepper spray.

Rolling my eyes, I ran past her and jumped into our family's blue mini-van.

"Please Hun, don't talk to strange people like that." My mom begged, buckling me into my car seat.

I nodded, "I'll avoid people like that." I lied smoothly, grinning innocently.

I wanted to have friends like that when I grow up!

She nodded, shutting the door and walking around the car to the drivers seat.

While she drove, I continued licking my red lolly-pop which I had to beg for.

Staring out the window, my eyes started to grow heavy. Eventually, I felt my chin drop to my chest, dropping my lolly onto the floor.

* * *

"Lucy." I felt someone shake my shoulders lightly. Turning away, I stuck out my bottom lip letting out a whine.

"Come on Luce." I heard the voice again. Finally, I opened my heavy eyelids, only to find my older brother.

"Lai!" I squealed happily, jumping into his arms. He chuckled, easily holding me with one of his arms, and shutting the van's door.

"Hi Luce." He smiled lazily. 

Yawning, still waking up from my nap, I remembered who I saw today. I looked at him happily "I saw the girl you like today!"

He blinked his big brown eyes.  "Excuse me?" He asked confused.

Did he think I forgot? Come on dude. I came with my mom for Lai's freshman conferences a while ago, and while we were waiting all Lai could do was stare longingly at the girl who wait waiting in front of us.

Grinning evilly, I giggled "The one with hazel eyes and honey hair like mine!"

I felt his whole body tense. "I knew it! Lai's in love! Lai's i-" he set me down, glaring at me.

"Shut up Lucy, you're an idiot." And with that, he stomped away.

Wow, someone is moody!

I skipped into the kitchen, in search of Moo, our cat.

His Bubblegum Klutz! [#hbkcomp]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt