"Are you sure they can handle a lot of people?" Joc asks. I nod and they all smile in agreement.

"We'll go home first too change then meet you at the hospital." Ellen says. "Okay." I say smiling.

I silently curse at myself for wearing a dress instead of something warmer since its one of those unexpected cold days in LA.

"I told you not to wear a dress." Jamie teases me as I take James out of his car seat.

"Oh don't start." I say rolling my eyes. Jamie smiles and drapes his jacket over my shoulders. "Your welcome." He says giving me a kiss. I smile at him and we both walk into the hospital.

The boys and Ellen are already there waiting for us in the waiting room. We all sign in before making our way to the room my Mom has.

"What do you mean I can't be in my husbands hospital room! This is absolute bullshit!" My Mom yells in her hospital room.

I roll my eyes and walk in. "Mom calm down I'm sure the doctor can do something." I say and turn to the doctor. "Mrs. Dornan." The doctor says surprised.

"That's me now please get a room my mom and dad can share." I say. The doctor nods nervously before walking out the room.

"I swear this hospital has horrible service." Mom says taking a seat on her bed. "This is a hospital mom not a hotel." I say as the boys and Ellen walk in.

"Mom this is Zack, Enrique, Joc, Clayton, and Clayton's wife Ellen." I say pointing to everyone.

"They were James' friends from the Dodgers." I say. "Nice to meet you all." Mom says laying down.

I finally turn to my mom and take in her horrible injuries that Elena gave her or her army.

My mom has bandage over her head and I assume it's a big cut. She has bruises that cover her legs and arms. But the one on her cheek is horrible and I can't stand my Mom being hurt this way because of me.

"Eleanor now don't you worry I'm fine." Mom says smiling. "I know." I say giving her a warm smile. "Now how are you doing Jamie?" Mom asks turning to Jamie.

"Great." Jamie says. "That's good. Your taking care of my daughter I see.. Eleanor what happened to your growing stomach?" Mom asks finally noticing the bump that no longer remains on my stomach.

"I fell, and.. I took some bad injuries." I say. "Oh El you must be so sad." Mom says opening her arms for me. "No, I'm fine." I say smiling.

"Okay good." Mom says closing her arms. "Up, up!" Bella says to her grandma.

Jamie chuckles and helps Bella up into the bed.

"So you guys were friends with James?" Mom asks turning to the boys and Ellen. "Yes ma'am." Ellen says smiling.

"Oh that's nice that Eleanor still keeps in touch with some of James' friends." Mom says smiling. They all nod and smile.

"Okay Mom we're gonna go see how dad is doing." I say giving her a small kiss on her forehead.

"Okay I'll see you all soon." Mom says smiling.


We get to my Dad's room and find him sitting up on his bed talking to some nurses.

"Oh hi darling." Dad says trying to stand up. "Sit down Mr. Carmen you might get hurt." The nurse says. My Dad listens but deep down I know he wants to beat the crap out of the nurse.

When the nurses leave my Dad stands up and hugs me. I chuckle and Jamie smiles at my Dad but my Dad surprises him by bringing him into a hug.

"You guys must be Joc Pederson, Enrique Hernandez, Clayton Kershaw, Zack Greinke, and Ellen Kershaw." Dad says shaking their hands.

Forever || Jamie Dornan Book TwoΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα