When Death Comes a'Knocking

Start from the beginning

  She wiggled against her bonds defiantly. Her husband spoke up. "We don't know anything. Voldemort is dead!"

  Bellatrix pushed past me, growling, and shoved her wand dangerously into the crook of the Auror's neck. "You dare speak His name! Filthy blood traitor!

  "Crucio!" she said. Her face twisted into a manic smile as she watched the man writhe and scream. Rabastan kept hold of Alice and let her scream as well, only to be drowned out by her husband. Bella lifted the curse.

  "The Dark Lord isn't dead, he's waiting for us..." Rodolphus cut in as soon as the screaming stopped. Frank was panting on the floor.

  "Waiting for us to find him. And believe me - we fully intend to do so." I finished, moving closer to Alice. I could hear myself spit my words, "now, bitch, we know you have what we need."

  "No, we don't! He's dead! Harry Potter-"

  I interrupted her, chuckling darkly. Rabastan mimicked my laugh, knowing full well what I was going to do. Death would have been too good for them.

  "Crucio." It was cold. I honestly hated this person with every fiber of my being. They imprisoned my brothers and sisters and are stopping me from finding the Dark Lord.

  I adopted a smile similar to Bella's, deaf to the yells, yet reveling in their agony.

  "Barty..." Rodolphus looked at me, but I couldn't see him; couldn't hear him.

  It was several moments - possibly even minutes - before I let up. The figure that had once violently writhed before me was now blacked out on the stone floor, blood dripping from her cavities and tears staining her face.

  "She wouldn't have helped anyway," Rabastan explained for me, yelling over Frank Longbottom. Bella and Rudy nodded with a shared satisfaction and continued their extremely violent torture of the man.

  Rabastan, although he look amused, decided to leave the room for fear of a headache. I, on the other hand, merely back off and watched them work.


  "P-Peter Pettigrew..." Frank breathed. He was rocking dangerously.

  "Is that it? Is that all!" Bellatrix laughed and renewed the Cruciatus Curse, leaving the man thrashing. His screams were dry. It's what he deserved. It's what he deserved. It's what he deserved...

  "Hey, Barty, ya'lright?" Rudolphus stepped over to me. He was in no way concerned about me. He was concerned that I was feeling guilty and might rat us out. Not on my life.

  "I told you we shouldn't have brought the kid!" Bellatrix hissed, glancing at me.

  "I was and will always be the Dark Lord's most trusted!" I felt rage rushing over me as a stride towards Bella, drawing my wand. "And I alone am his most faithful!"

  Bella smirked wildly, and Rudy looked amused. There's no point, Barty. I tucked my wand into my pocket and backed away. I almost knocked into Rabastan on my way out. All of the Lestrange's looked similar; they had the same black hair.

  "I'm going," I practically growled, "home. Before they notice I'm gone." Not that they particularly cared.


  I could feel the Dementors on my back as they pushed us into the courtroom. I tested my chains and my stomach fell. My mother had her head in her hands, already sobbing. No hope...

  Bellatrix had her chin up and her head held high, she was the queen of chains and proud, apparently. Rabastan and Rudy, however, shot solid glares at Crouch, Sr. He returned them.

  "You have been brought here before the Council of Magical Law," he said clearly, "so that we may pass judgement on you, for a crime so heinous-"

  "Father," my eyes got wider as his gaze fleeted over me. I shivered and kept locked on my father. Surely, surely he wouldn't. "Father... please..."

  He only spoke louder. "-that we have never heard the like in this court. The four of you are accused of capturing the Aurors Frank and Alice Longbottom, and torturing them, believing that they held the whereabouts of your exiled master."

  "Father, I didn't!" I shrieked. They were letting him do this. I'm his son! It's not my fault!

  Mr Crouch only bellowed louder. He really does hate me... "You also planned to restore He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to power and resume your lives of violence that you presumably led while he was in power. Now I ask the jury-"

  "Mother!" The witch began to sob harder, swaying a little. She can't... she wouldn't let him send me away... "Stop him. Mother, I didn't do it! It wasn't me!"

  "-to raise their hands if they believe, as I do, that these crimes deserve life imprisonment in Azkaban!"

  Everyone on the right-hand side raised their hands. The witches and wizards along the walls were clapping, savage, triumphant looks on their blurry faces. Tears were welling up in my eyes. I knew it all along. My voice was cracking now. "Mother! I didn't do it! I didn't know, please don't send me back to the Dementors! Father, please!"

  It was useless begging now. The chains lifted and the Dementors (more like miniature Deaths) glided back in. Bellatrix stood and gave her proud "the Dark Lord will return speech". Every word she said was right, I couldn't convince them otherwise, now.

  "I didn't do it!" Barty, they saw the evidence, your arm, and the bodies. The Dementors had their hands on my shoulders; I was the only one who didn't get up and leave quietly. I tried to shake their cold grip, but they held fast, dragging me away from the Council.

"Father, I didn't do it!" I shrieked, though they grew weaker as the Dementors drew my strength. "No! No! I'm your son! I'm your son...!"

My father's eyes bulged, his face was screwed with anger. "You're no son of mine!"

I watched my mother faint and the clapping start up again. I gave up struggling, my limbs were too weak. My tongue shot out of the corner of my mouth to wet my lips. "I'm your son..."

**last edited: Aug 20. It seems like so long ago..**

I can't say I really liked this one, but I felt it needed to get out of my head.

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