I Will Always Love You : Book 1

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Chapter 1: Where Do I Begin

He met Elle again at his sister's 16th birthday. She was part of the 16 roses. She got his attention not only because of her beauty, carefree personality but as well as her witty speech. She made everyone laughed their hearts out, including Kerr. The next thing he knew, he was dancing with her and begging for her phone number. He also learned that contrary to what he thought, she's still just 16 years old. But that did not deter him from pursuing her. Janelle Gutierez or Elle to her friends, was an epitome of beauty--- her face is very symmetrical. Her eyes, nose, lips, and eyebrows were beautifully positioned and so perfect that stunned anyone that she met. After a few months of non-stop roses, Kerr took Elle to a hot air balloon festival, to know once and for all, if they will be a couple.

"Oh my God! This is a childhood dream!"

"That's what I thought ", Kerr thinking out loud. He paid his sister a week worth of his allowance just to fish this information.

On a clearing, stood 2 hot air balloons. "YES" is written on the first one while "NO THANKS "is written on the second.

"You are so full of surprises! " Elle said excitedly, her eyes sparkling under the rays of the sun.

"So Elle, what is it? " Kerr can't even hear his own voice as his heartbeat is beating so fast.

"But I have to know what is it that I have to say yes or no to!"

"It's been 6 months Elle, so please tell me now ! "

She walked slowly towards the clearing and stopped a few steps away from them. Looking back at Kerr, she said, "Turn around and count up to sixty!"

"I'm serious Elle! "

With both hands on her waist, she asked him, "Do you want to know or not? "

He felt time stood still in that 60 seconds of waiting.

"...sixy! "

When he turned around, she was nowhere to be found. "Elle, where are you?"

Kerr started feeling a stab of pain in his heart, until he heard her giggle like she was trying not to.

He knew it was Elle but he couldn't bring himself up to where she was. He's too scared that he'll find her in the No Thanks balloon. Holding his breath, he slowly crept to the Yes side. And there inside the balloon basket hid Elle, blushing so much because she was caught.

He did not let her say nor do anything. He joined her immediately and signaled the operator to bring them up. As the balloon went up higher and higher, he planted the first kiss on Elle's lips.

"I love you Elle! "He shouted on top of his lungs.

"I love you, too Kerr! "

Chapter 2: Bed of Roses

For Kerr, the first 30 days of their relationship was nothing of the ordinary. After all, she was not his first, second nor third. But Elle's youth was somewhat made this relationship challenging, which he liked and enjoyed... at first. He liked the idea that she shifts gears almost instantaneously when cornered. And that a 19 year old dude can be loss for words to comprehend what just happened...courtesy of a sixteen year old girlfriend. She can also be so sweet sometimes that he will lie awake in the darkness of his room, thinking about her characterizations. He liked the way she send him notes on her favorite candy wrapper and drops them on their mailbox. Love notes as she calls them are actually her random thoughts about her encounters with just everything: the postman, the garbage guy, Burger king, even mundane tasks like brushing her teeth. But what sets apart these notes from others is that they are illustrated and signed with a letter L and a heart beside it. Elle finds it easier to express her thoughts if she uses lines and figures. At the end, he branded them as laugh notes as it always make him laughed out so loud, much to the annoyance of his sister Charlene who can hear everything in the next bedroom. Next thing he knew is the banging on his door like crazy!

Love You Forever #Wattys2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora