one :: 7:00AM

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lydia :: highly suspect


lynn exited her father's mercedes after arguing with him about whether or not she deserved a saturday in detention. the stairs up to the school had never been such a long trip. lynn could think of a thousand other ways she wanted to spend today.
she entered the library, and took a seat at the first table. she waited for the library to fill with other students.
the next one to walk in was tanned boy who looked rather "dorky." she had never seen him before but maybe that was because she was popular and he obviously, wasn't.
after him, an athletic boy who was kind of in her clique entered. his name was alex and he did not look like an athlete at all- mostly because of his stretched ears. you would assume he was emo or punk.
"is this seat taken?" a guy's voice interrupted her thoughts. she looked up and saw alex, waiting to sit down.
"um no." she replied and he took a seat.
after alex, another girl.
if you were to touch her jawline, you'd cut your finger. a part of her head was shaved.
lynn was straight but this girl was attractive.
lynn had seen her around school before. her name was alexa and she was one of the most rebellious kids at lowell high school.
alexa winked at lynn as she walked towards a table in the back. she probably noticed lynn staring.
lynn's face turned bright red.
alexa threw her jacket to the side and propped her feet up onto the table.
after alexa walked in, a boy came in. he never looked up from his beat-up converse hi-tops. he took a seat at the last table and put his head down.
no more students arrived after him.
at 7:05AM, the school's principal, mr. vernon strutted in.
"congratulations on being delinquents." he started off, "you will be stuck in this room for eight hours together- get used to one another.
during those eight hours, there will be no talking, no moving around, no sleeping, no eating, no phones, no horsing around. basically you will do nothing but wonder about how you fucked up and writing me an essay explaining who you think you are. the essay cant be any less than a thousand words. got it?"
alexa's hand shoots up.
"yes, ms. san roman?" he asks.
"wouldn't this all be easier on the computers like, its twenty-fifteen, dude."
vernon rolled his eyes and went back to passing out pencils and paper.
"now, remember the rules and start writing those essays." vernon says, before exiting.
"wow, what a fucking deadbeat asshole." alexa says, getting up from her seat and sitting on the railing across from lynn.


first chapter,, thoughts??

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