Chapter 2: Costco

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We looked at each other. "You can't be serious! There will either be zombies, or nothing. Or even both." He looked away, probably replaying in his mind what I just said. But then his old cute face reappeared. "You just gotta trust me." I didn't know what to do. I could go with him, possibly get laid. Or stay, feel unprotected, stranded in Glen Allen. I choose option 1. But then there are lots of mutations happening right as we speak. But me and him played Call Of Duty together lots of times. What's the difference. Oh yeah I forgot, one is a game where you can get a second chance by getting revived. Second is real life where you barely even get one chance and takes more than a single cut to the chest to kill a zombie. But I trust him. I feel safe around him, and I haven't been close to him for a while. "I guess I'm in." He did his grin I know too well. I went for my bag, but he was in front of me. He positioned me upright and put his hands on my waist. He removed one hand and put his index finger and thumb on my chin. He tilted my head up where it alined with his. Which is sad because I'm 14 and he's 17. Shouldn't he be way taller than me, even though he's probably not even 3 inches bigger than me. He inched forward towards me. I pushed him against the wall. He was pinned between me and the wall. He was stronger than I was but he wasn't stupid enough to ruin the moment. I pressed my lips on his. He shoved his tongue in my mouth, without asking I might add. He flipped me to where I was pinned against the wall. I was about to take it a step further, when the door flung open. We stopped as fast as the door that flew open. Stood at the doorway was an infected. I don't know if it was just a regular infected or if it was a specially mutated one. It moved from the door to me and Jasper so fast, Edward and Emmette from Twilight would be jealous. Why exactly am I talking about twilight right now? I pushed Jasper aside and flung my leg in front of me where the specially mutated stood. He moved aside easily. He ran at me. He stood not 2 inches away, and put one of his hands around my neck. He had a wicked smile. I started panicking. He looked towards Jasper, which stood by my dads pistol. This was my time to attack while he was distracted. I used the wall to jump off of. I twisted in mid air, my body reacting on its on. Soon I was behind his back. Holding his arms and have hold of his neck. I nodded at devan and he quickly grabbed the gun and shot him in the neck, one millimeter away from my fingers. The specially mutated fell to its knees. Where I twisted his neck. He fell all the way to the floor. I fell in pain. I noticed my arm was cut. It was circular. No it wasn't a cut. It was a bite. I got bitten. I quickly sucked it out like rattlesnake venom. It burned my lips a little but I felt it coming out. I told devan to get 97% betadine solution. I went back to fighting off the virus. I spit a lot out. He came over and gave me the betadine. I sucked up a fast breath and cut the scalpel straight down my arm. Then I did another fast breath and poured the betadine into the wound. It started fizzing up a lot. Perhaps its working. Fizzing is a good sign right? I started feeling light headed. I sat down on the bed and put gauze around my arm. I bandaged it up and sat up. "Ready to go?" I asked him as I got up. He was at the corner trembling. I went towards him. I kissed him and told him I was fine. The cut was only like three inches long and a centimeter deep. So basically it felt like a big scrape. It didn't bother me. I got my bag and his. Then I went towards the door. I stopped at the frame. "You coming?" He looked at me. He just got up and went towards the doors. "Yep" I ran to him and dropped everything. I kissed his lips with ferocity. Then I moved my fingers which was entangled in his hair, down his back. I got closer and closer until I reached his butt. I squeezed it, making him moan. I departed from his lips. Then picked up the bags. I went to the main entrance and devan was on my tail. We got in his truck and I told him I was gonna drive. He didn't protest, no doubt because he was tired. I started the engine and drove out of Glen Allen. I wonder if he knows I don't drive. Hehe. I have driven before just not all the time. I looked over and saw devan. He was fast asleep. He looked cute. His hair just the slightest bit wavy. The color of Burgundy and mocha mixed together. His green eyes were covered by his eye lids. He didn't have a sweater on. He had a different shirt from when I seen him. Its an 'enjoi' shirt. A big red panda on it. I looked back, and saw providence hospital behind me. I didn't exactly know where I was going. I just tried following the signs. Tried. Lol. Its supposed to be a 3 hour drive but since there wasn't any traffic, it took me 2 hours. I finally got to anchorage. It was the middle of June. So it was really sunny out. I drove down Boniface, and turned right on debarr. I kept going down till I saw Costco. I looked at the time. 11:42 am. I drove to a parking space for no reason. I pulled the gun out of the glove department. I took the bags and went to the entrance. I put everything by the door, in the bushes. I walked back to Jasper's truck. I shook him to wake him up. A tiny snore erupted from his mouth. Shit. I forgot he was hard to wake up. I wasn't gonna put up with it. I went back to the bushes and grabbed the pistol. I got back to the car and opened the door. I aimed at the window and shot it. Effectively waking him up.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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