Stiles runs after her, "Hayden wait!"

She stops waiting for Stiles to catch up and goes into the room where Kira and Liam were with three laptops watching the roof. They look up and Liam smiles at her which she returns. Stiles pulls her into his side and glares at Liam. Kira stiffs a laugh and they all begin to watch the laptops.

It was getting a little boring watching all three computers, Hayden's eyes closing and opening every few seconds with how tired she was and bored. Suddenly the camera feeds when one on the roof goes out. Kira volunteers to go check it out, and Stiles reminds her that it might not be a malfunction.

Kira pulls out her sword and Liam also volunteers to go with her. "And you're both coming right back! Immediately!" Stiles calls after them and Hayden starts laughing.

He shakes his head muttering "Kids."


"Stiles calm down." Hayden tells him noticing his pacing and calling Chris over and over again. Suddenly Chris comes flying through the door making Hayden jump hiding behind Stiles. "Hayden, Stiles, Run."

Hayden and Stiles don't move.

Instead a blonde women comes through the door glaring at Chris then at Stiles. "Get out of the way, Stiles. I'm taking the body," The blonde chick says.

"Why? Visual confirmation Kate?" Stiles spoke clenching his jaw pulling Hayden closer to his backside when Kate stepped closer to the two.

"This is kate? The crazy bitch?" Hayden yells shocked but then gulps when Kate glares over at Hayden. "Are your the little girl who can see Alison right?" Kate simply says rushing towards her while Stiles steps closer to Kate, blocking her to getting to Hayden.

"Who are you calling little bitch! I am 5'5 feet tall." Hayden spits out sassy flipping her hair over her shoulder. She feels sorry for Alison.

"I'm not the benefactor."

"What do you want with Scott then?" Chris asks standing back up pointing the gun at her still.

"I can't say." Kate says titling her head back.

Chris then rushes forward and puts the gun to her jaw. She smiles at him. "I always forget you carry two."

Chris shoves the gun harder into Kates neck spiting out, "Back off."

"Can you really pull the trigger fast enough Chris?" Kate asks cocking her head to the side laughing slightly.

"You really are a crazy bitch." Hayden mutters to herself.

"Guys lets go outside and just get some coffee or something? Hayden you like iced coffee right?" Stiles says trying to defuse the situation.

They explain their plan to Kate and insist that they're trying to get to the benefactor which Hayden thought was a really bad plan but hoped it would work. They ask Kate to leave and let the plan play out, which is in her interests since she's on the list too.

Kate looks down at Chris watch then back up and stares at Hayden, "You have three minutes left."


"Stiles! Scott can't leave us! He's my brother I never had and your best friend!" Hayden yells out frantically griping her hair watching Kira bring or try to bring Scott back to life.

Scott surges back to life with a yell. Kira hugs him, and Stiles looks relieved which Hayden hugs him after Kira and then hits him upside the head, "Don't ever to that to me again Scott."

Scott smiles nodding at Hayden, "I'm sorry. Did it work?"

Hayden looks at Stiles which he looks at Chris and Chris looks away. Scott is silent soon after.

Ghosts • Stiles StilisnkiWhere stories live. Discover now