17: Who Will Remember Your Last Goodbye

Start from the beginning

And even though they were now alone again, Frank still seemed cheerful; he had been chatting away with Gerard for over an hour, explaining the basic plot of some audiobook he had been listening to lately. Gerard had downloaded a few for him when Frank discovered the fact that he could no longer read without pressing the pages against his nose, and Frank had his headphones in more often than not now.

Gerard smiled softly as Frank continued to describe the story to him, some horror filled romance that was exactly what Gerard would expect Frank to read. Moments like these were rare now, because Frank hardly ever had the energy to participate in conversations anymore, but today he seemed to have woken up; he had even agreed to come downstairs earlier, and they were currently cuddling on the couch, Frank's head resting lightly on Gerard's shoulder as he spoke.

"You need to read it Gerard - I swear, it's so good," Frank exclaimed, and Gerard nodded his head slightly before he realized that Frank probably couldn't see the subtle motion.

"You know sci-fi books are more my thing," Gerard responded teasingly, earning himself a light smack on the arm from his boyfriend.

"You need to branch out Gee - seriously, doesn't spaceships and aliens ever get boring," Frank huffed, and he looked so adorable in that moment that Gerard couldn't resist leaning down and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. "What was that for?" Frank chuckled, a light blush tinting his features as he peered up at Gerard with squinted eyes.

"I don't know - you are just cute okay?" Gerard shrugged, pulling Frank back in for a proper kiss on the lips this time.

"And this is news how?" Frank grinned, his sarcastic response earning him an obnoxious giggle from Gerard.

Gerard wasn't even embarrassed by the honking sound he had produced though, because this was the first time all week that Frank had seemed like his usual, playful self, and Gerard was ecstatic to have his boyfriend back, even though he knew this wouldn't last for long, nothing they shared would, but it didn't matter, because right now, Frank was happy, and even though he might not be in a few hours, that was in the future, and Gerard had stopped looking ahead ages ago.


Frank found himself alone for a few brief moments, and even though it sounded terrible to say, he enjoyed the solitude in a way, because as much as he loved Gerard, he hated the pain he was causing him, he hated the way Gerard was always on edge, jumping to his rescue every time Frank so much as shifted his position, but most of all, he hated the sorrow he could only barely glimpse in Gerard's once vibrant eyes.

Frank couldn't change what was happening to him, he had accepted that, and even though it would be idiotic to expect Gerard not to be dragged down by it as well, it still hurt, and Gerard didn't deserve this, not that Frank did either, but he would be dead soon, and it would all be over, leaving Gerard to suffer for the rest of his life.

Because Frank knew that Gerard loved him, all of his past doubts had dissipated over the last few weeks, because Gerard had stuck with him through everything, which was more than Frank was entitled to, more than he ever expected actually, but Gerard had proven that he wasn't going anywhere, and Frank only wished he could say the same thing, because Frank had personally witnessed what had happened to Gerard the last time he lost someone he loved, and he never wanted his boyfriend to go through that agony again.

Frank hadn't really allowed himself to think of what would happen after he passed, but he knew it wouldn't be pretty. Gerard had refrained from self-harming ever since the episode that had occurred two weeks ago, but Frank knew he still struggled with the urges, and only the fact that he was trying to stay strong for Frank kept him from dissolving back into the person he had been in high school.

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