Chapter 25.The Dinner

Start from the beginning

I just only nodded.It's like I swallowed my tongue and can't find myself to speak.I'm pressured,nervous and my hands are cold wet already.

'Here you go girls,'im only until here and have a good appetite.Drake said before we enter the lobby.Your guardians are already inside and waiting behind this wall so,goodluck!

Thank you,Drake.said Casey.

I breathed deeply as many as I can before the main door opened for us by two crews men.An amazed woman came to us immediately can't hide the expressions in her face.No other than,Mariz.

Oh my God,Nancy!This place is so amazing!as she said exaggeratedly greeted us.

Good to hear you like the place.Nancy replied her.

Ofcourse auntie,this place is exclusive for members only and for very rich people.We just very lucky Nancy is our friend.Casey reminded her.

Indeed.Mariz said agreed for the first time.

Good evening dad,auntie.i inserted

Same to you honey.You look simply lovely tonight just like your late my dad replied while his wife busy observing around.

As to you to dad.

Hi!Evening to you uncle.Casey greeted.

Good evening to you two.

This way please,we already prepared a table for your dinner tonight but if you like to transfer to another table we surely assist you.Nancy told and guide us.

After the lobby we entered a huge room.An extravagant room,tables and chairs arranged in very nice settings.Tiled floors in beautiful designed,Known Paintings hanged on the walls,well carved ceilings and in the middle of it is a big crystal chandelier that reflects every light pass through it,expensive framed windows and curtains.The two curved golden grand staircases facing each other that leads up to the 2nd level located towards the main door of the restaurant and in between of it is a decorated stage with a grand piano and other musical instrument.

Seeing this place I feel like I never fit in,kinda out of place and im slowly melting like a candle between the fire.

Our table is in front of the stage.Mariz is still busy admiring the place and it help me from her sharps eyes while Casey pitched my left elbow so many times.I know why,like her aunt she is very vocal about what she sees only that she can't say it infront of them.

'Have a seat please,'one personnel will be here to take your orders and I have to go to my office to do some paperworks but I will be back every now and then to check you guys.Bon apetite!Nancy said and excused herself.

Honey,are you alright?it was my dad asked.

Yes dad,ofcourse im alright.I replied try to hide my true feelings.

You seems not comfortable?he added.

Dad,you know me,I'm not sociable specially in this kind of place.I mean,yes I work for the restaurant but we do it I explained.

Yeah,I though you overcome your shyness but anyway is not that bad.he commented.

A lady personnel came and greeted us.It seems she well informed about me and Casey.

Good evening Sir and to you,Madam.May I have your orders?she said and asked so kindly then turned her head to look at us.

Kian and Casey,how are you girls? Nice to see both again.she added.

We're doing good,Abbey.Thank I replied.Good thing she has name plate in her uniform.

And how are you too,Abbey?Casey asked acting that she knows the lady personnel.

I'm doing fine,too.Abbey replied with smiled in her face.She left after we give her our orders.

So,have you been seen the whole place?Mariz curiously asked us.

No,auntie.I immediately answered her

But why?

Auntie,remember?We are only part timers here we're not allowed to go anywhere.We entered at the back door of the restaurant,help the crews to prepares the food inside the kitchen then leave together with them in the service van and after the catering services help them gather all the restaurant things then leave them.Nancy give our salary and the food.That's all.Casey said made up explanation.

I just nodded to agreed what's my good friend said.

This place is great! She said continued admired the place.

And the food,too.I added remembered the food that Nancy give to me the other night.

Surely,food menu was all expensive!dad commented

We laughed all a bit for what my dad said.And then someone showed up.The least I expected,it was not a part of the plan.

Hello there!

We all turned our heads to see who greeted us even I know exactly who it is.

Your here?Casey asked confused.She mean to asked why he showed up.

Ofcourse I will!

Lantis,what are doing here?i added.I can't help but to asked him too.

Girls,are you not suppose to introduce him or us?dad inserted demandly.

Ah,dad..this is Lantis Pendeltone.Lantis,my dad Carlos and his Wife,Casey's aunt, I introduced.

It's my pleasure to finally meet you sir.Lantis handshake my father's hand and to you ma'am.

Same here,young replied.

For in my head,shouting.'He is two hundred years old Dad.'

You look simply lovely tonight,Kian.Lantis turned his attention to me showed admiration.

Th..thank you.i replied try not to blushed infront of these people.

Ofcourse you too,Casey.

Thanks.And you are so handsome in your suits too.Do you have a date?Casey asked ride along him.


Are you the owner of this place?Mariz interupted.

Sweetheart,his to young to owned this kind of place.My dad inserted to answered his wife.

You are right and wrong sir, pardon me.I'm old enough to handle this kind of place actually I owned and managed our other restaurants but not this one, it's my twin brother.

You have twin brother?Mariz inserted again.


Well,I guess he is also goodlooking guy but not as handsome as you?Mariz commented.

Ask the girls if you wanted to know?

I tried to catch his eyes to send him a warned message but I think he is avoiding me.Whatever he planned,he must stop it.

Oh,there you are Lantis! It was Nancy.May I talked to you for a moment,it's an urgent.Excused us.

I was relieved,thanks to her.Our orders arrived and Lantis has no choice but to follow Nancy.We we're having nice family conversation while eating.Good thing Mariz seems forget about him,Lantis hanged question.The food was really taste great.Food presentations was an exceptional.

When I feel something strange my vision becomed blured and I feel dizzy it looks like my world is spinning.

Casey,we have to go to the restroom.I whispered her and hold on my feelings.



A/n.....hold on guys,more exciting chapters coming.I promise and thanks to your votes.

Keep Voting.


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