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Skye's POV


My eyes took it all in, everything was beautiful, it was exactly how I imagined it would be but it didn't feel real. I looked out the window, glancing from the pale pink flowers, to the lights in the trees, to the faces of friends and family that sat waiting for me and finally to Wesley's face. He stood quietly at the end of the aisle, looking gorgeous in his tux, smiling his heart stopping smile. I wanted to rush out there and stand with him but something was stopping me, a gnawing feeling that this wasn't right. I moved to the mirror, my reflection staring back at me seemed real enough, so why did I feel like this? I ran my hand across the material of my dress, I felt it under my hand, the dress was perfect, almost too perfect. I wondered how I had been able to find a dress that somehow encapsulated exactly what I wanted when I still couldn't even verbalise what I actually had wanted. How had everything turned out just as I pictured when I had never really pictured it, why did this feel like a dream? Maybe this was how the world felt when all your unspoken dreams come true, though surely you wouldn't be plagued with doubt if all your dreams really did come true? I'm sure it's just nerves, I watched myself in the mirror as I shook my head, trying clear it of any negativity.

'Wesley is waiting for you' my inner voice reminded me and just the thought of him calmed me. I tried to recall how we had gotten to this point, to this amazingly perfect day but I couldn't. I searched my mind for the engagement party, the wedding planning, the bachelorette party but I came up blank. I could vaguely remember Wesley proposing in my mom's kitchen but I couldn't even remember answering him. I started to panic, this wasn't right, this wasn't real and I had no idea how to fix it. I heard the door creak open behind me and I swung around to see my mom, instantly knowing that she would know what to do. She smiled at me, "Mom, why does everything feel so strange?" I was desperate for the truth. "Everything will be fine Skye" she reassured me, but I still wasn't sure how that could be true. "It will?" I questioned her, hoping she could explain why I was in the middle of what should be the best moment of my life and somehow it all seemed fake. "You just need to wake up Skye" she urged me, her words were confusing but somehow I knew they made sense. I closed my eyes and tried to think how I could make sense of this situation, of my mother's request. I heard her say again, "You just need to wake up", so I opened my eyes but this time everything was different.


Everything was sharper and clearer now, I blinked a few times trying to adjust to my new surroundings. I closed my eyes again, ignoring whatever reality this was, as extreme pained seeped into my body, primarily my left side and my head. I just laid there and let it take over, with no idea what was happening or why, until eventually it became too much. I sucked back a deep breath and feeling the air rush into my lungs, whilst extremely painful, also made me feel alive. I heard garbled voices and movement rustling around me, and I knew that if I opened my eyes I could probably make sense of what I was hearing. "She's awake" I heard my mom's voice through all the noise and my eyes opened again, looking for her. I smiled when I saw her standing next to me, I tried to speak but my throat was dry and my mouth just wouldn't comply. Another voice began to talk, "I'll just give her some more pain medication then bring her some water", I didn't even bother to look around for the source of the voice. I closed my eyes again, the pain was overwhelming but as quickly as it had rushed into my body, it was gone again. "Skye, do you want some water" my mom's voice was soothing and I searched my brain, did I want water. My dry throat and mouth were desperate for it, I opened my eyes and watched as my mom offered me the straw from a cup. It took literally all my energy to suck the water up the straw but once it hit my mouth, it was worth it.

As each second passed I felt a little better, and I took in a little more of my surroundings and understood a little bit more about my situation. Clearly I had been in some form of accident, I recognised the hospital room and my arm and leg were in a cast. My mom, Taylor and Lincoln were all here and were obviously very happy that I was ok, although my injuries appeared to be pretty straight forward so I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. Drinking the water got easier and each mouthful soothed my throat. The pain I had felt was now practically non existent and I felt fully awake, although my brain was still a bit hazy. "Hi" I said with a hoarse, croaky voice, trying my best to smile, somehow knowing the three people staring at me needed some form of reassurance. "I'm fine" I added, wishing my voice wasn't so harsh so it sounded less dramatic. My mom laughed, as Taylor rolled her eyes, "You were hit by a car Skye, you're not fine" Taylor spat at me. I was shocked to hear how I sustained my injuries, I had no recollection of being hit by a car and I would have thought it'd be something I'd remember. "I was?" I asked warily, inspecting my full arm cast and then my full leg cast.

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