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If breathing was a hobby,
It wouldn't be mine.
If love was a sport,
I'd keep losing.
If we're all poets,
Where is my melody?

Look at time the way you look at faces;
They change, they're always changing,
But you only notice when you look at the 'before' and the 'after.'
Where did that life go,
And where did this one come from?

Are we always the same people, our whole lives,
Or have I become someone entirely different?
Do we all start out the same: a canvas, so bare,
Life painting us as we go along,
Or were we always destined to be so wrong?

Is "child" an age,
Or a state of mind?
If we grew up with different paintings on our canvas,
Why are we all given the same picture frame?

If we're so in love with rain,
Why do we miss the sun?
If pain is guaranteed,
Why isn't happiness?
If the road ends,
Where did it begin?

If I claimed to know math,
You'd probably believe me.
If I claimed to know love,
Why would you doubt me?

Are we evil for our sins,
Or only human?
Is intelligence choosing not to sin,
Or not feeling the need to sin at all?
If we're the only ones with souls,
Why are animals so much more humane?

If I don't know what I'm talking about,
How do you know that you do?
If I'm just a child,
And you're the adult,
How do you know me better than I know myself?

If the grass is greener on the other side,
And we all travel there,
What would happen to the grass?
If we're so insignificant,
Why are you wasting your breath to tell us so?

If you're so much smarter,
Why is every generation a little more intelligent,
And if our generation is the failure,
Why aren't we the ones insulting the intellect and morality of our children?

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