Your eyes widen in shock at his confession. "Wow Daryl I uh-"

"I get it" he snaps and storms past you.

"No Daryl! I was gonna say I like you too!" You yell at him as he walked away.

Daryl stopped in his tracks again. He stood still for a moment before turning around and storming quickly up to you.

You brace your self as his hands grab your face and pull you into him, crashing his lips hard against yours.

You grab onto his sides, holding yourself up from the breathtaking action. Daryl broke away when you both needed air. He rested his forehead against yours breathing heavily. "Yer my girl now ok?" He says huskily.

"Don't I get a say?" You joke

Daryl smirks and kisses you again. "You'd say yes"

"You're right"

Rick - Ever since the death of Lori you had always been there for Rick, brining him back from his insanity state.

You had started to grow strong feelings for him but tried to shove them down because you felt it was wrong. Especially because of Loris passing and him having to take care of Carl and Judith, whom both adored you.

"Hey y/n" you hear the familiar southern voice that gives you goosebumps say from behind you.

You turn around and smile at the blue eyes man. "Hey Sheriff" you wink. He rolls his eyes at the commonly used nickname.

"I'm goin on a run for some formula ... Wanna join?" He asks, pointing towards the direction of a running car.

You smile at him and nod. "Yeah sure"

He smiles and you follow him to the car.

Once you arrive at the store you two quickly sweep the area for walkers and start filling baskets with formula and baby clothes.

When you're done you find Rick staring at a poster with a happy family holding a new born baby. Rick stared at it with a distraught look upon his face that broke your heart.

"I'm sorry Rick" you sigh, placing your hand on his shoulders.

He looks over at you and gives you a sad smile. "I want that" he whispers, glancing back at the pictures.

"I'm sorry it didn't work out that way" you sigh at the sad man, wishing you could help him.

"I can still have it... But i dont know if the woman I want it with feels the same" he says breaking eye contact.

My heart beats quickly against my chest. What does he mean? Is there another girl. I bet it's Michonne.. Damn I should've seen it coming.

"I bet she does... You're a good guy Rick" I smile and rub his shoulders.

"So is that a yes?" He asks smiling at me.

I look up at him confused.. What does he mean. "Huh?"

Ricks smile fades and his face turns beet red. "Oh uh I- I thought you.. I thought got what I-I was saying" he says covering his face in embarrassment.

"Ohh..." I say as it dawned on me.

"Yeah so um... Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks awkwardly.

"I thought you'd never ask" you sigh happily as he grabs your waist and pulls you into a sweet kiss.

Glenn - "Hey y/n" your crush Glenn says approaching you.

You smile and wave at him "hi Glenny poo" you tease. Laughing as his face turns red.

"Stop it" he grumbles but ends up smiling.

You walk up to him and stand up on your tip toes, grabbing his red and white ball cap and placing it on your head.  "Mine name is Glenny poo and I'm not as cool at y/n" you tease in a male voice.

"Oh my god you're so cute" Glenn laughs but freezes and turns red when he realized what he admitted.

"What?" You ask smiling a little.

Glenn shakes his head. "Nothing"

"You're cute too Glenn" you whisper causing him to smile.

"Hey I have a crazy idea" he jokes and grabs your wrist.

"Oh yeah?"

"Be my girlfriend?" He asks staring into your eyes.

"I have a crazy answer" you joke and move closer to him. "Yes" you whisper.

Glenn wasted no time in smashing his lips onto yours.

Shane -  "Hey y-n!" Shane shouts running up to you.

He smirks and grabs your waist. "I have a surprise for you" he whispers charmingly.

"What?" You ask biting your lip.

He smirks again before kissing you hard. You laughed into the kiss

He sure was confident in himself. But it's ok because of his incredible looks.

"Ok so now that's settled... Wanna go on a run?" He asks breaking from the kiss.

"What do you mean 'now that's settled' ... You think I'm automatically your girl now?" You asked lightly pushing his shoulders.

He smirks and grabs your butt. "Yep babe"

You rolled your eyes at his cockiness but ended up kissing him.

Carl - "wow" Carl mumbles beside you.

You two were sitting on his bunk reading comics together while the rest of the group was on a run.

"What?" You ask looking over his shoulder at the book he was reading.

"This is so cheesy" he jokes pointing to the comics way of a relationship. It was so cliché.

"It's cute" you smile.

Carl scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Nah it's a waste of time... If I'm gonna ask a girl out I'm gonna be straight up" he says flipping the page. 

"Ohhh ok Mr. stud" you joke resting your head on his shoulder.

You and Carl were really close friends and you've had feeling for him for awhile but refused to tell anyone because you didn't want to ruin your friendship.

"Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" He asks beside you. You look up at him and notice he didn't even take his eyes off the book.

"What?" You ask confused.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks again, still not looking from the comic book.

You roll you eyes but still smile. "Stop joking Carl"

"I'm not! I'm being straight up! I wanna be your boyfriend" he says finally looking over at you.

You smile and nod. It was no fairytale but you wouldn't have it any other way. "Ok" you smile and Carl leans over and kissed you.

He then turn back to the book "score one for Carl" he whispers to himself.


Ok so if you want me to do more of these please comment and tell me!!! I loved writing these btw.

The Walking Dead ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora