Hearts Gone Missing

Start from the beginning

"I'll figure something out," I mumble.

We get to my place and he walks me to my door at my condo complex, and that's when Chris opens the door, interrupting our little hug session.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Chris spits.

"Last time I checked, this was Arabella's place,"

"Listen here--"

"Chris, man, I don't have time for this shit, both of our heads are fucked. Arabella, I'll talk to you later, okay?"

I nod still looking at the floor. Andy gives me one last hug and I step inside, closing the door behind me.

"So you wanna tell me what happened?" Chris starts. Fuck, I just realized I still had Andy sunglasses.

There was a knock on the door. I open it and it's Andy. "Do want to keep my glasses? If you want them, you can have them I just--"

"Wanted to see me again," I finish.

He smiles. I hand him his glasses and he leaves once again.

"What happened last night?"

"I um, I got drunk. I didn't want to come home smelling like a bar so I spent the night,"

"You slept in a bed with another man? With that prick that didn't even care for your well being!"

"Stop yelling at me, please,"

"Oh yeah, that's right, you're hungover,"

I scoff sitting on the couch.

"Where's your bra?"

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Shit.

"I didn't wear one yesterday," I lie. "It would look weird with this shirt,"

"Bullshit, Bells. You left here with one on. I watched you put it on," he retorts. "Did you and him have sex last night, be honest,"

I nod.

"Were you drunk when it happened?"

I nod.

"Everytime something goes with us it's always your fault. Sometimes I feel that you honestly just don't care,"

"Baby, that's not true. That's not true at all. I was drunk and it just happened. Neither of us remember a thing--"

"This is just, wow. I am completely at a lost with words. You do know that you just cheated on me, right?"

I tear uninvitedly falls from my eye. "I'm sorry,"

"You're sorry? Is that all,"

I stay quiet wiping each fallen tear from my eyes.

"I love you, Arabella. But I guess I'm just not good enough for you. I'm not rich, handsome, or smart enough to be your boyfriend," I could see a single tear escape his eyes and he reaches inside his pocket. It's a little black suede box. He pauses biting his quivering lip. "I was going to ask you to marry me. I was going to get down on one knee and ask you to be my wife. We could have had a little family of our own and have dogs, and nice big house and a few cars. My future was written with you all over it,"

"Chris, I'm sorry," I sob. "I'm so fucking sorry, it didn't mean anything to me--"

"No, let me finish. I loved you, Bells. With everything I fucking had. I thought I could trust you to be with Andy, you obviously proved me wrong though," he tossed me the box and I open it. It was the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. "I'm leaving tonight. I'll take a flight whenever I get a ticket but for now, I'm staying at a hotel. I guess we're done for--"

"Chris don't do this, please. I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. I wish I could take it all back but I can't, baby. Please trust me--"

"I did trust you! Look where it got me! I bought you a fucking engagement ring. Do you know how fucking stupid I look? Just, don't ever speak to me again,"

I try to engulf myself in his arms but he pushes me away. I should've expected that.

"I'm gonna go pack my bags and we will never see each other again," he says before packing his things.

I stand at my doorway to my bedroom. He ignores my presence. "You said you loved me. You don't love me anymore?"

He sighs heavily. "I don't know. It's honestly gonna take me forever to get over you," he throws one of his shirts in his doufflebag roughly before standing up straight. "You were my everything. You were always my everything, ever since I met you basically. I was honestly a little to immature to ask you to be my wife. We're too young, and it's too early. You just wanna party and drink, I understand. You want to live before you settle down. I would've loved to be your husband, right by your side through any fucking thing. So with this being said, I'm sorry this didn't work out and I'm sorry I'm not good enough, because that's what it felt like in comparison to Andy,"

He continues to pack and I stop him, tangling his fingers with mine. I back him up against a wall. "Now you listen to me,"

I touch his damp cheek lightly making it so that he was looking at me straight in the eyes.

"I love you with everything I have to offer. You mean everything to me and I wouldn't trade you for any piece of shit asset on this Earth. Yeah it would've been early but I think I would've made a kickass wife. You are--"

"No," he interrupts me. "I refuse to listen to this. You did what you did and we're done. I'm sorry, Bells, but it's over. Don't stop me from packing and please don't try and stop me from leaving,"

He pushes me away and continues packing. He finishes after a few minutes. "Chris don't you think you're being a tad irrational?"

"You fucking cheated! I don't give two shits on how drunk you were. Goodbye!"

He storms out of my condo and leaves me there with just me and my thoughts. Bark! Oh, and Shep. I kept looking at the ring. Lord knows I would've said yes.

Precious Dreams (Sequel to High Hopes//Chris Motionless)Where stories live. Discover now