*Niall's POV*
I was coming in with my suitcase when someone tapped me on my shoulder, I turned to look at who it was. It was Kayleigh's mom!
"Niall?" She said.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"I wanted to talk to you! I hope you don't mind!" She said smiling.
"No it's fine! What da you wanna talk about?" I asked.
"Oh I just wanna get to know my daughters friends!" She said walking to the kitchen, I followed her there and then leaned against the counter.
"I don't know if you would consider me as your daughters friend" I said rubbing my hand on the back of my neck getting nervous, since she probably knew what had happened in Ireland, "after everything that's happened between us, I don't think she wants to be friends, let alone work with me." I then let out sigh.
"I know what happened back in Ireland so no need to explain, sit down and relax don't be so stiff around me!" She said lightly laughing "Me and Scott aren't angry neither of her siblings! She tells us that everything happens at work when she has time to call us! We all know from how she describes you and what you do at work, you're trying to get past what happened!"
"Is it that obvious that I want to get past it?" I asked. I never knew that it was obvious to tell I was trying to put it behind us?
"It is to everyone but her! God she's so stubborn, I have no idea where she got that!" Mrs. Johnson said laughing, "You like her don't you?"
When she said that I was in complete shock, was that obvious too?
"Is that obvious too?" I said looking down at my hands.
"No, only to me I knew because of the way you look at her, it's the way I look at her dad and her dad looks at me. Plus I can tell your always trying to please her and make her happy." She said giving me a smile.
"Seriously? I look at her in a certain way? I never knew that, but I do try to do that and yeah I've liked-" I started to say but got interpreted by Mrs.Johnson.
"You mean love?" She asked. Do I love her? Well I've known the girl since high school, not really know but you get the point, and I've worked with her for 2 years! I love watching how her facial expression changes when we're watching a movie and the scene is happy and she laughs. God I love her laugh too. It's so perfect just like her hazel eyes, I could look into her eyes for forever, but I only see them like 2 seconds cause she won't talk to me. When she does talk to me, I can hear the southern accent in her voice and I love it! God I do love her.
"Yeah I do love her, I've had feelings for her ever since we were 16 and I saw her on the first day of English class." I said remembering that day she walked into class.
"Then why did you do what you did? Cause I remember the first day of school that year, she came home and she was talking all about you and how cute you were and how she wanted to be friends with you. Then over the four months she started telling me what has happened, and then that night, she came home crying her eyes out, mumbling I hate him over and over again. Then I talked to her and she told me what happened. Why?" She asked.
"My friends peer pressured me." I said looking down at my feet, then I continued explaining everything to her mom. She totally understood why I would do that, she completely understood me and didn't freak out and get angry with me.
"Well Niall, that was a nice talk." She said laughing.
"Yeah it was, tank you Mrs.Johnson." I said laughing with her.
"Your welcome Niall, try to work things out! I would love for her to be happy with someone and see you guys together! And call me Lori, Mrs.Johnson is my mother-in-law!" She said laughing giving me a hug.
"Okay see you later" I said pulling away.
I was going up the stairs to go the room me and Harry were sharing when I bumped into someone when I looked down to see who it was, Kayleigh.
"I'm so sorry!" I said looking down at her.
"It's fine." She said with irritation in her voice. I gave her a look of hurt. I decided to take up her moms advice and try to fix things.
"Kayleigh can-" I started to say when her sister came up to her giving her a hug. I decided to keep walking to my room cause I knew she didn't want to talk to me. I'm so pissed off, her mom is right she's so damn stubborn! God, I try to talk to her and she ignores me or acts like she doesn't see me. I'm swear to god I'm going to loose it if I don't talk to her! I walked into the room I was sharing with Harry while he sat on one of the twin beds. He looked at me and knew something was up.
"What crawled up your ass?" Harry asked.
"I'm trying t' talk t' Kayleigh but she won't talk t' me and its pissin me off!" I said getting frustrated with her.
"Why don't you just talk to her sometime this week?" He questioned.
"Cause she won't fuckin talk t' me!" I said even more frustrated.
"Alright dude no need to lash out, just figure out how to talk to her alone and at a good time." Harry said.
"Okay thanks Haz" I said, trying to figure out when to talk to her.
"You know we are invited to her sisters engagement party which is Wednesday night." He said.
"Is it fancy?" I asked.
"Well it's at The Yacht Club at Marina Shores, so I'm guessing yeah." He said laughing.
"Great." I said with sarcasm in my voice.
"At least you get to see Kayleigh all pretty." He said making googly eyed face.
"Shut up" I said laughing throwing a pillow at him. God that girl drives me crazy.
A:N: So I'm so sorry for not updating! I have had writers block trying to figure out what to write for this chapter but I think  back on track now! But I hope it's good! And please comment, it would mean the world to me!!! And have you guys heard Drag Me Down?! I am in love with that song!!! And who's going to OTRA?? Well if you are or have gone I hope you have/had a great time!! And I can't wait for it!! I'm going September 12th! Anyone else???? Thank you lovelies!!!

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