Two Years

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  • Dedicated to Jopeth Roy Villareal Anonuevo

Two Years

by Siel Alstreim

Two years and you’re still writing her name,

Curved all over your chest, lingered on your mind.

Two years and she’s still the one you’re calling,

In a painful loud voice with no answer.

It is love and she meant the whole world for you.

She’s a walking doll with the sweetest lips.

She must be everything that others could never be,

For the stars are fading with her beauty.

How does she smile? Is she really stunning?

How could she make you wrap around her fingers?

Why with just her presence you’ll forget everything?

And she made you believe in a crap like forever.

And she said forever, but forever is never.

For it’s nonsensical, improbable, immeasurable word.

And you thought your story was enchantingly written,

Until it reached the end, left you alone and cold.

And you know it’s the point of breaking down.

And there’s nothing to hold while hanging.

Colors are fading, memories are haunting,

Wondering if you’d ever find yourself again.

The needles of Sobriety were stinging.

And all the sad songs that you’re singing,

You lost her, and you lost absolutely everything.

Two years and you’re still hurting and waiting.

The sullen, sorrowful goodbye you refused to say,

You’re still clinging to the memories, bleeding tears.

Poor soul, broken heart and close mind,

Will you ever listen not to stay.

It must be fate and there’s no way back.

Your story’ll be on yellow pages; past and withered.

Stuck on forlorn, unrequited love, I’ll leave you there.

And in two years, maybe I could write ‘bout you again.

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