Preference 67. Passing out/fainting...

Start from the beginning

A few hours later, you woke up in the hospital, opening your eyes slowly as you groaned. You tried to sit up but a nurse that had come in to check on you pushed you back down. "Relax, honey," she said, smiling down at you.


"You fainted. You didn't have enough sleep and you didn't have the nutrients needed for a body so your body crashed."

You stared at her before your eyes widened. "Harry!"

"Relax. He said that when you woke up for you to call him. And your boss also wants you to call her. She's been very worried about you," the nurse said before handing you your phone.

You sighed and called your boss first who scolded you for not telling her before hand but she was nice about it, happy that you were okay and giving you the week off so you could rest. You thanked her then called Harry, sighing as you closed your eyes before he picked up. "Babe?" his voice asked, sleep evident in it.

"I-I'm fine. I'm gone rest and take care of myself from now on," you mumbled, yawning softly.

He sighed and you heard the sheets rumble before he answered, "Thank you. I was so worried about you."

Liam: You were helping the crew set up for the concert like you did every time but this time you were super stressed and tired. You've been taking classes online while you were on tour with the boys so you could stay with your classes anywhere. But lately your teacher hasn't been giving you the best grades because she thought everything was too easy for you so she made all your assignments hard, stressing you out.

You rubbed your eyes as you sat in Liams lap, leaning against him. "They told me to sit down because they didn't think I was in a good shape to help," you mumbled, a small yawn passing your lips.

Liam wrapped his arms around your waist and rubbed you back. "They're right though, Y/n. You haven't slept much and your stress is eating at you. Maybe you should call you dad and see what is going on," Liam suggested, rubbing your back.

"I can't. Just cause I'm the daughter of the school super attendant doesn't mean I get my way...even if the teacher is doing this on purpose," you mumbled, sighing.

"What do you mean?" Louis asked, looking up from his phone.

"I was a deal with my dad that I could come if I did all my school work...everyone knows and the ones that are jealous try to stop it..." you whispered as you eyes closed. "Everyone thinks I get special treatment all because I'm his daughter..."

The boys sighed and looked at each other before they heard a soft snore. They looked at you and smiled when they saw you curled up in Liams' lap, finally getting the sleep that you deserved.

"I'll call her dad later. Right now she needs to rest and we have a concert to do," Liam said, kissing your forehead before slowly picking you up off his lap and laying you on the couch. He put a pillow under your head and covered you up before giving your forehead another kiss then walking out of the room with the boys behind him.

Louis: You giggled as Louis kissed your cheek, cameras flashing around you as you smiled. You were just getting out of an awards show with Louis and the boys. You hadn't been feeling well lately but you didn't wanna miss seeing the boys get their award so you toughed it out and went with them, cheering for them when they performed and when they got the award, Louis giving you a kiss before going up the boys to accept the award.

You rubbed your eyes as you gripped Louis' hand, walking out the back way of the arena. "You boys were amazing tonight. Really proud of you lot," you said, smiling at them.

"Thanks, love," Louis said, smiling at you before Harry got him in a headlock.

"Yeah, thanks, Y/n. It was great having you cheering for us all the way through it," Harry said, smiling.

You smiled and nodded, giggling as the two played around.

You blinked as your vision became spotty, rubbing your eyes to try and get the spots to leave. You sighed softly as you suddenly felt feverish.

"You okay there, love?" you heard Liam ask, concern in his voice as the others calmed down and looked over at you.

You looked up at them and smiled, nodding your head slightly. "Yeah. I'm fine, guys. Would you stop looking at me with those faces?"

Louis watched you carefully before grabbing your hand, gripping it lightly. "We better get going, the fans can't be far behind," he said, kissing you knuckles before walking towards the van.

You nodded slowly and followed after only for a bunch of girls to run around you guys out of no where. "Okay! They need bells!" you squeaked, gripping Louis' hand as a few girls started asking you personal questions.

You looked at the girls, your vision getting blurry again before your vision went black, your body going limp as it slowly went quiet.

Louis quickly caught you once he felt your hand loosen it's grip around you, Liam and Niall gently got the crowd of girls to back up. Louis gently picked you up bridal style as he listened to your labored breathing and walked to the van. "Sorry, girls. Y/n is a bit tired from tonight. Some other time," he said, smiling before he got in the van, setting you in his lap as the others got in, sighing when he felt her forehead. "Fever."

"And she didn't tell us because she didn't want to worry us."

Louis sighed and kissed your forehead before putting his jacket around you. "let's get her home to get some rest.

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