Chapter Two

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Waking up in a unfamiliar bedroom isn't the greatest. When you know your going to wake up in a bed that isn't your own than you can prepare yourself, but today, right now, I'm completely unprepared. Not to mention I have completely no idea whose bed I'm in or how I got here? Bright light fills the room and I squint my eyes as I try to get used to it. The bed is way too comfortable, and I bolt upright.

The room is huge! I glance around and frown at my surroundings. To my left is a wall of windows with a beautiful view of a gorgeous open backyard. The rest of the room is styled in one of those new gaudy styles. Dark wood, a rug instead of carpet which covers white marble. Its clean cut and lacks any personality whatsoever. I scan the walls and the dressers but there are no personal trinkets or photos, nothing. 

My heart is beating loud and fast in my ears. Where am I? How did I get here? I glance down and let out a sigh; I'm still in that awful silver dress. Which seems to be the only relief in this whole situation. I'm alone in this bed. The other side of the bed has been left completely untouched, at least that's what it looks like, that's what I'm praying is the truth.

I crawl to the edge of the bed but can't see anything better than where I'd been at the head of the bed. The door directly across from the bed is pulled closed and after doing another quick scan of the room I still notice anything unique or out of the ordinary. This basically looks like a hotel room, but I'm not in a hotel room, I know that somehow. Why can't I remember last night?!

Do I dare get up and leave this room?

I let my bare feet touch the cold white marble and stand up, I suck in a breath and tiptoe silently towards the door. I brace myself and than pull the door open. It opens up into a gigantic walk in closet. Tons of boxes are littered everywhere and the only clothes hanging in the closet are a bunch of exercise wear, men's exercise wear.

I'm beginning to freak out!

I move quicker now, abandoning the silent sneaking thing I had going. The next door leads into a vary large beautiful bathroom. It is white marble, white cupboards, and white marble counter tops. It's clean but there are a few men hair products and deodorant sitting out on the top. Someone lives here that's for sure. A man at least. But who? Come on brain!

The dress is dragging on the floor now that I'm not wearing five inch heels. Right, heels, and not my heels, Victoria Wild's shoes. That's right the football game. Ugh! That's why I'm in this stupid dress. I'll probably will end up tripping on it if I try to make a run for it.

I glance at myself in the mirror and grimace. I slept in the full make up from yesterday and it's now smudged up around my eyes. Let's not even mention the broken nose paired with blackened eyes, who cares about the makeup. This is awful. My hair is a disaster the product from yesterday mixed with hairspray now making it look shiny and kinked up all wrong. Yikes.

I'm getting out of here! I scurry off to my right and pull the door open. I follow the hallway that leads into the very open part of the rest of the house. The kitchen and a large living room span out in front of me, somewhat put together but there are moving boxes everywhere still.

Maybe, if I'm lucky, I can get out of here before I'm spotted. Maybe they left even? Wouldn't that be great? I can just slip right on out and.... Although I don't know where my phone is or where my shoes are. I mean Victoria's shoes. Not that those shoes would be any help at this point, might as well escape barefoot, find somewhere to call a cab and get the hell out of here.

Breathe Carsyn, you can do this!

I cautiously approach the couch which is next to a matching love seat and recliner. They're a beautiful black leather style that goes well with the dark wood and white marble theme they've got going on. In front of the couch is a small coffee table that has boxes on top, some labeled pictures, other movies and entertainment stuff. They have a large flat screen mounted to the wall adjacent to the couches but the shelves underneath it are bare and there seems to be no entertainment products, like an Xbox, Apple tv, or an Xfinity box.

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