Chapter 4

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"We have known you for long enough to know you have every skill you need to survive in this forest," said the pack leader. "However, to truly accept you into the forest, we have to test you. Can you truly survive in the forest, or have you lived this long only because we have helped you?"

"If you survive the test and make it back alive, we will begin to trust you. We will reveal to you our names and, if we deem it safe enough, our homes."

"If you want to take the test and earn our trust, you must wait until nightfall. When night comes, follow the fireflies. They will show you where the test begins and will meet you in frony of your house. You have all day to prepare."

With this, the wolves began to leave. Abby knew all she needed to do is gather the healing herbs, cook some food, and put it all in a backpack the crows had gotten for her years ago that she never used.

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