Chapter 1

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Heart beats fast, colours and promises,

How to be brave, how can I love, when I'm afraid, to fall?

But watching you stand alone, all of my doubts, suddenly goes away somehow.

One step close- BEEP BEEP!

I was woken up from my beautiful dream of Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson fighting over me. Me! Anyways, I walked into the bathroom and took a quick bath. I came out wearing a towel and opened my closet. I went through my everyday clothes. December. Cold. Very. So I decided on a pink tank top, with a white Hollister hoodie on it and dark jeans below that. I wore some ankle boots over the jeans and put my hair in a lazy bun. I applied some transparent lip gloss and- tada! We are done.

I went down with my bag plopped on one shoulder. My bag was heavy today. I opened it and checked it once. Binder, lip gloss, Mansfield Park, Taylor Lautner's pic, Portugese textbook, and my freakingly heavy Spanish textbook. Anyways, I popped it in the bag again. I opened my fridge in my apartment. I was doing Latin American Studies course at King's College London. I took out a strawberry yogurt container and ate it up quickly.

I took out my Cycle and kept my bag in the front basket and cycled to the college. I still had 10 minutes to go, so I walked inside the college and the hustle and bustle was already there. Students were rushing in the corridor, and as I was about to walk into the Department of Spanish,Portugese and Latin American Studies somebody called my name. Not just somebody, but my best friend Eilidh Winters came running to me. "Ava!" She called out. I turned back, my bun going a but loose. It was my first year here, and Eilidh was in the Department of Music. She was studying to become a musicologist. "Morning Eilidh! How are you?" I asked, walking up to her. "Good Morning Ava. I am good. You know what? I saw your crush heading down to the Department of Neurology. He looked awesome." Eilidh said, winking at me. I know crushes are supposed to be a middle school or high school thing, but I still had it on my high school classmate, Edmund Grey. I know, ironic. But atleast his name is not Jacob.

AFter all of my classes, I was finally heading to my apartment. My bag's weight had doubled with all the assignments and papers. I quickly cycled back, winding through the London traffic. I always saw the Big Ben and Buckingham Palace on my way home. I am British, but was born and brought up in America. My parents live in Los Angeles. My dad is a movie producer and my mom is a stay at home mum, and she brought up me and my 3 siblings. I have two younger brothers and one elder sister. My brothers are twins and their name is Joshua and John and they are sophomores. My elder sister is a GP in Scotland, and her name is Alistair. She lives in Scotland with her lawyer husband and one baby daughter.

I finally reached home and quickly took out some fruits, cut them up and made a quick fruit salad. I checked my messages. It was 4:30 in London, and the sun doesn't set till 7 in the evening. I saw an email from Mum. I opened it.

Dear Ava,

I hope you are doing well with your studies. It is your second semester there, and I hope you like London. After all, it is your homeland, even if you were born and brought up in America. Anyways, I would like to tell you that I want you to meet someone. You know, your father had big connections,and he wants you to meet someone. Apparently, it's a contract. I will tell you about it when you come to LA for your hols. Joshua and John are all right. Reply as soon as you can.


I sighed. Formal as ever. My mom is warm when you are at home, in front of her eyes, but once you leave, her text messages and emails and phone calls are distant and formal. Anyways, back to the matter at hand. Who am I meeting? Maybe it would be some film director or maybe Victoria Beckham for the new set designing.

I typed a reply.

Hey Mom,

Hope you guys are fine. I am loving it here in London, and I get to see the Buckingham Palace and Big Ben almost everyday. And about my meeting someone, I will come home and I will surely meet that guy. Studies are going well. Send my love to John and Joshua. Planning to meet Alistair this weekend. Say hi to dad.


I hit send. After doing that, I took out my Spanish assignment and started working on it. I think Prof. Lopez was planning to take a class test tomorrow. After doing my Spanish assignment, I quickly took out my Portugese History textbook and read about that language.

After studying, I finally got up at 6:30. I went out into my balcony. The sky was a beautiful shade of orange, blue and pink. The top was blue, turning into pink, and then into orange. The sun was right in the middle of it. "Beautiful," I thought. I went inside and made a cup of coffee. I quickly took my mug of coffee out and sat in the little chair I reserve for my balcony. My phone was on the side table, with my Twilight New Moon book which I was reading for the 3rd time. My exams were starting from next week, after which I would be free to go to LA.


Hi guys! My first time doing a fan fic. Check it out and vote!


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