A Slingshot

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It felt like an eternity until the bedroom door opened. The Grandfather walked out seemingly to be in an argument with his wife.

"Charles, think about what you're doing," said the Grandmother walking out after him. Both brothers jumped to their feet.

"This is the only way Shirley. There isn't a single boat up and running at the docks. We are out of options. This is the only way..."

"These grandchildren are the only thing we have left."

"They're not children anymore darling... And we can't keep fighting their battles forever, especially this one. Have some faith in them. They can do this."

The Grandmother looked to her young boys, but said nothing. The Grandfather looked to them too and took a deep breath.

"Boys, what I'm about to ask of you is crazy... But I know you can do it if you're willing. You're stronger, braver, and wiser than you have ever been. And I wish that I may look upon your sister and say the same to her when she's older... However, that day may not come. You were there when the doctor told us that her life is slowly depleting. He gave us an estimate that she had only a month until she would decease... That isn't much time. Before, it was planned that the doctor would personally take an expedition by sea to the great city of Delhon to get the medicine she needed. But because of the storm... The doctor is dead... And our ships lay in ruin."

"We know what medicine she needs..." He continued. "And her only chance of surviving this illness is with that medicine. So I believe we need to do whatever it takes to get it."

"It isn't possible to get to Delhon through sea," Charles continued. "So if we're going to get there, I see only see one other way..."

"You want us to travel through the mountain..." Said Rory ambiguously. The Father was silent.

"Mount Reinsford?" Asked Saul. "You can't be serious... There's manhunters up there and a werewolf! You know that... It would be a suicide mission!"

"Look, ever since the bandits spawned the beast, the Man Hunter's population has depleted immensely. I'd be surprised if any were still around anymore."

"That's comforting," said Rory sarcastically. To the family's surprise, the grandmother butted in on the conversation taking her husband's side.

"Well, I still don't want you boys going up there one bit... However, Charles does have point... Without the bandits lurking around, you're only real threat is the werewolf and what are the chances of running into the beast on that enormous mountain?" Saul felt no comfort from that thought. Charles realized this.

"I know it's a long trip..." Charles began.

"Two weeks isn't it?" Asked Saul.

"Yes, two weeks," answered the grandfather. "But there is one more thing I have to mention before you make up your minds... Right up the base of the mountain, is a hunting lodge. At the lodge you'll find food and drinks and a warm place to stop for a night."

"More importantly, I know from experience that if you pay the hunters, they will give you a personal escort straight to Delhon."

"An escort from the hunters? Are you serious?" Asked Rory.

"Yes," answered Charles. "Now I know you boys have heard of the hunters of Reinstead. They craft the finest bows in the land. I don't even think you'll find better craftsmanship in Delhon. And not only can they craft, they can shoot. They live for it. They spend their everyday living in the wilderness hunting dangerous animals. So if you get an escort from 2 or three of these men, I know you'll be safe."

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