Youtube channel?

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After playing your game with them for about an hour,you look at the time and it's 4:27. "Don't tell me you're leaving" Jordan said kinda upset. "Nope,well not until about another couple of hours at least!" You say hoping you'll cheer him up. "Yay! So we have to tell you something" He said while looking at Issac. "What is it? Is it something bad or did I do something?" You say a little worried. "No,you're fine" Bethany says smiling and so do the others. "We have a YouTube channel called VenturianTale!" Jordan said smiling "Really? Cool!" I said excited "Yup! We have almost 2million fans all over the world!" He says in excitement while the others laugh at him. "Wow! That's awesome what kind of videos do you upload?!" You say "we do gaming videos,and some fan mail but not that often!" You smile widely as you think to yourself 'I just met some YouTubers that are my friends!' "So I just met some nice people that are YouTubers?!" You say all happy and proud "mhmm" Issac says while making a funny face "Awesome,what kind of games do yall play?!" "We play Gmod,skyrim,Fallout,Minecraft,Roblocks, Dark souls,and FNAF!" Jordan says with a cute smile 'wait...cute? I do like him! I think...I don't know yet!' "Wow I play all of them too! I also play FPS games!" "Well you sound just like us!" Cierra says giving you two thumbs up "Hey do you want to record with us?" Jordan says a little shy "Of course!" You say cheerfully "Great you can record with Jordan (y/n)!" Bethany said really loud "But,I don't have my laptop" "it's ok, you can log into Gmod on mine!" Issac said "well ok then"
~~logged in~~
"Greetings fellow adventurers this is Venturian! With (y/u)!" You hear as he starts playing "wait (y/u)? Who's this you may be asking? Well this is one of our friends!" "Hey!" You say a little nervous "anyway today we are checking out a mod that makes lets anything LIKE ANYTHING hunt you down and if it finds you, you'll die" (sorry idk what mod to make up X3) "I'll spawn a can and try to make it kill you ok" "Hey why does it have to be me?" Jordan whines "Because it's closer to you" you say running to a building "ah no!!" He says just as it reads 'Venturian died' on the corner you laughed as you tried to run from the can too "oh no it's on the other side of the door and I'm in a corner!" "Ha! That's what you get for killing me!" He said while laughing "oh yea what If I do this!" As you said that you removed the can "Hey you were suppose to die!!" "Well too bad because I didn't!" You say leaving the building "hey what do you think will happen if I spawn a bunch of boxes?" He said while running to your player "they'll try to ship you to death!" "Wow really..just really?" "Mhmm!" You say giggling "well don't keep them waiting!" He says as he ran the opposite direction you look behind you and see four boxes all facing you "hey!" You say trying to run while Jordan watching you above ground "well you need to die too!" "So is this 'revenge' from that" you say sarcastically "yes,yes it is because I need payback!" "Ok whatever!" '(Y/u) died' "dang it XC" "Yes! I've been waiting for ever!" He says with an evil laugh "it's only been about a minute since you've spawned the boxes!" You say trying to find him while trying not to to into the boxes on the way "I see you!" He says kinda creepy "oh no!" "What are you scared?" Still in the same voice "nope, I just saw the boxes near the alleyway" you say trying to sound cheerful "so your not scared that I see you and that I might kill you?" He says a little confused and creepy "Not at all!" You say "ok,well how about now?" He says jumping of the roof of a building and next to you 'Venturian died' the both of yall where laughing hard "psshh like that's scary!" Just as you said that the boxes were making there way to you and you went to spawn knowing that Jordan will respawn soon "I almost died just by laughing at your dead body!" You say still laughing "haha you're going to be dead in a little while!" He says still dead and looking at you run from the boxes,once you get to spawn Jordan respawned 'perfect' "haha now we can die at the same time...or one of us might survive!" You say smiling "Well I'm no expert but I think I might right now!" 'Venturian died' the both of yall laughed again "wait! Did you set me up?" "Pssh no!" You say trying not to laugh a little "You did didn't you! Well I need my payback!" He said a little sassy "not if you can't find me!" You said like if you were a child "oh I'll find you and I will kill you!" He said while looking at the camera "ok but I bet you can't!" "Really? Cause I can see you right now" he says giggling "umm..that's not me that's my..." "Yeah that's you!" He says childish "ok fine but first!" You say in a curious voice "but first what?" "Do you want to know my secret?" You say in a creepy voice "well duh! I wanna know!" "Ok if you say so!" "What is it?" He says really suspicious "boom!" You say a little loud *boom* the both of yall flew off the map and on the ground "Ouuuchh!" He screams;playing with Jordan is SUPER fun! "That is all for this time,if you enjoyed this episode  of us playing with this mod leave a like leave a comment and we'll see you next time!" *salutes*..."ok I'm done recording, I can edit the video later, you were awesome by the way!" "Really thanks!it's cool just messing around!" You smiled "hey um do you want to be part of our crew?" He asked a bit nervous "Chess! This is lots of fun but we need to ask the rest!" You say running towards him smiling he hugs back and smiles at you. Yall walk down the stairs and sit on the couch "well it sounded like yall two were having fun recording!" Bethany said you blushed a little as she said that and Jordan did too "yup! You guy's job is the funnest!" You say looking at all of them "speaking of job, are yall ok if she can join our crew?" Jordan asked nervously "I don't see why not" Bethany said and smiled you "yeah of course! She likes all of the things we do, even our job!" Cierra said all happy "just beware of my trollness and you'll be fine!" He said in a funny way "aww thanks you guys!" You say hugging all of them. You knew you were going to get along with them really well! "Hey let's watch a movie yeah!" Jordan asked very happy "sure,which one?!"
I'm grateful I met these weird funny people! "Can we watch a scary movie?" I say hoping they say yes "well you're our guest!" Issac says. I picked (f/s/m) they agreed on the movie and started playing the previews so yall can get some snack. You got some popcorn and a piece of candy that Jordan gave you. "Ok everyone ready?" "Mhmm" you started the movie and sat next to Cierra and Issac
~~45 minutes later~~
You started getting cold for no reason and got goosebumps too "Hey, do yall have a blanket I can borrow?" I whispered "I thought I was the only one cold too" Jordan said as he ran upstairs to get a blanket and came back with a superman one "hey do want to share?" He asked stretching the blanket "Sure" yall get underneath the blanket at the same time and bump each other's head "oops" you say laughing "sorry" he says blushing "Hey stop flirting over there!" Issac says making the both of us blush.Cierra whispers in Bethany's ear something then smiles "can we just go back to the movie?" They nod their head and go back to watching the movie
~~after the movie~~
Its now 7:14 and you get a text from your best friend saying that she is going to sleep at her friends house tonight and you say ok "It's almost fully dark,do you want to sleep here or drive you home?" He said a little edgy "I can stay if it's fine with them" you say nervously "oh you don't need to ask us you can stay if you want, you're really fun" Cierra says to you "ok, thanks" you smile as she leads you upstairs while Jordan goes to his room to change "Hey (y/n) can I ask you something?" Just then Bethany came in "yeah?" You say a little nervous "ok, like Jordan?" You started to blush a deep red "well...

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