“I hope you don’t mind that I bought everything from the store.  I didn’t get anything catered.”  Scott proclaimed as he started to hand some items to Kayla so she could make a sandwich. 

“Just the way I like it.” Kayla said lamely.  She didn’t know what else to say.  He had put some thought into this date and she was, quite frankly, impressed.  She moved the rose from her plate and set it beside her on the blanket.

Scott seemed to let out a sigh of relief as he watched Kayla create her dinner.  After Kayla was done she waited for Scott to make his sandwich.  She looked around the park.  She watched as a couple families loaded their kids into their minivans and drove away.  A couple was walking through the park holding hands.  A young woman was jogging on the path.  A few teens were climbing up on the jungle gym and shouting obnoxiously.

“Are you going to eat?”  Scott asked.  He seemed more uncomfortable than usual but he had his cocky smile plastered on his face…as if he knew he was gorgeous.  Kayla wouldn’t give into his charm…no, she would remain her same cold self to him.  She took a bite but continued to look everywhere but at the man sitting across from her.

“Aren’t you going to yell at me or something?”  Scott asked when the silence had gone on for several minutes.

“I’ve never yelled at you.”  Kayla defended herself.

“You’re right, yell is the wrong word.  But you usually have a quite a few choice words for me.”  Scott said.  He seemed to be grasping at anything to start a conversation.

“If I don’t say anything I can eat faster.  If I eat faster I can go home sooner.”  Kayla said.  She knew it was the wrong thing to say on a date but she needed to reinforce that she didn’t want to be on this date.

Scott seemed unfazed by her words and instead smiled.  He looked down at the cuff of his pants and brushed off some dirt that had somehow dared to touch him.  “Tell me about yourself.”  He finally said after he was done examining himself in a small mirror he had packed.  He was trying to discreetly look at himself but Kayla could see the mirror in the basket.

“Don’t tell me my mom hasn’t told you all about me.”  Kayla dared.

“She’s said very little actually.”  Scott offered.  Kayla didn’t know how much he really knew.  She decided to stick with the basics…things he already knew.

“I have a mom, dad, sister, and brother and I’ve lived in this town my entire life.”  Kayla said.  Scott didn’t say anything.  Instead he picked at his fingernail.  Dinner was going very slowly.  Neither of them eating much.

“I’m an only child.” He finally said.

“Figures.”  Kayla interjected.

“What is that supposed to mean?” He asked.

Kayla rolled her eyes and then studied his eyes.  Was he really that arrogant that he didn’t even realize he was that way?  “You obviously have everything a normal person can only dream about owning.  I can only guess that you come from a wealthy family and you’ve been spoiled your entire life.  You’re just used to flaunting you stuff.”  Kayla accused.

“If I was flaunting my stuff then I wouldn’t be driving that old grandma car.”  Scott said.  He laughed a little…he thought he was funny.

Kayla shook her head in frustration.  “You said you just bought it.  Not very many people in this town can just go out and buy a new car when they feel like it.”

“I bought it so I can fit in.” 

“Everything you do has been thought out in advance and meticulously planned.  Heaven forbid you do anything spontaneously.”  Kayla accused.

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