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Ed P.O.V.

"Dammit, Al! Put that cat back where you found it," I sighed as I continued toward Central headquarters. Colonel Mustang had an "important assignment" for me. "But brother!" Al shouted, running to catch up, the metal suit clanging with every step. "Look at it. It's so helpless and small! We can't just leave it here!" I didn't chance a look back at the small creature. "Al...put it back. Now," I growled. "But, Ed..." he whined. "Al, we can't take care of it," I said. "Besides, the Colonel would have a fit if we brought a cat into his office. Just set it somewhere and let's go." There was a long moment of silence before I heard Al let out a disappointed sigh. "Yes brother." He came back a moment later, cat-less and upset. He had to understand that I didn't do this to hurt him. We needed to focus on our main goal, and that was getting our bodies back. No distractions, no hinderances. "Let's go see what that bastard wants," I murmured as we neared the steps to Central HQ.

"Hello, Edward," Lieutenant Hawkeye smiled as she fell into step beside me. "Going to see the Colonel?" she asked. I nodded and stuffed my hands into my coat pockets. I didn't have the tolerance for the Colonel's snide remarks today. Our latest lead on the Philosopher's Stone had slipped right through our fingers. "Hey Flame Face," I smiled as we entered his office. Hawkeye shut the door with a heavy sigh. "Oh Lieutenant, is that Fullmetal? I can hear him, but I can't see him over this desk of mine," he shouted, smirking at me. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING SO SHORT THAT A STACK OF YOUR PAPERWORK WOULD CRUSH ME?!?" I shouted, feeling my face burn with rage. "Calm down brother," Al placated. "He obviously called us here for a good reason." I took a deep breath and plopped into the chair across from Mustang. Al was right; I needed to keep my cool. "So, Fullmetal, any luck on your search?" I felt my shoulders slump and the words slipped from my lips before I could stop them. "No. I screwed up and got distracted. I lost my lead," I murmured. "Ah, I see," he replied. "Well, hopefully this could help you out. Killing two birds with one stone, ya know? There's a warehouse near Yectora. There have been reports of chimeras and unusual forms of alchemy being used. The file description matches many of things you've been discovering in your search of the Stone." I bolted upright in the chair and snatched the file from him. "I'll get right on it, Colonel," I said with a sly smile. "See you soon, Fullmetal," he smirked, settling back in his seat. "Alright boys, the Colonel has a lot of paperwork left to do. We'll see you when you get back," Hawkeye said, ushering us toward the door. "Don't get shot, Flame Face," I called, waving as Al and I left the office.

Al P.O.V.

The train ride was uneventful and tiring. Brother slept the entire time, and I patiently watched the land pass by us. The train slowly lurched to a stop in Yectora. "Brother. Brother, wake up," I called, shaking him gently. I nudged him a little harder and he still didn't budge. "Brother!" I shouted. He bolted awake, toppling onto the ground. I stifled a laugh and moved out of his reach just in case. "W-we're here," I stammered. He quickly scrambled off of the ground and grabbed his suitcase, walking past me angrily. "This isn't Yectora, is it?" I asked as we stepped onto the ptatform of the train station. The town was basically four blocks of houses, one store, a post office, and a bar. I don't even think it was big enough to call a town. "Technically no, but on paper, it's listed as part of Yectora," Ed replied. "Let's find somewhere to sleep and get some food. I'm exhausted." I wanted to roll my eyes so badly...well, if I had actual eyes. I trailed behind him toward a small white house. An old woman was on the porch. "Hey, you!" he shouted, running toward her. She stared wide-eyed and then ran into her house.

Everyone we approached ran away. "That's strange," he observed as we neared the small general store. A few men sat out front playing chess. Brother mustered his most polite smile and stepped forward. "Excuse me. Can you help us?" he asked. A man with shaggy blond hair sneered at us. "There ain't nothin' here for you," he growled. The other man looked up from the chess board with an apologetic smile. His black hair was pulled into a short ponytail. He looked to be Xingese. "Forgive him. He doesn't take too kindly to strangers," he said, his dark eyes softening. "What can I help you with?" The other men in front of the store stared at us warily. Ed shrugged at the man and responded, "We're going to be in town for a few days and we were wondering if there was an inn around here." The man turned back to the chess board and made his next move, laughing as he captured the blond man's queen. "Not here. There is a big blue house down that road though," he paused and pointed down a small gravel road across from the store. "Miss Shay owns that house, and she rents out rooms to travellers. He nodded at the man and took off toward the house. "Thank you," I murmured before running to catch up. "Brother, wait for me!"

Lillith P.O.V.

It was almost pitch black in this small room, but I could still make out some of my surroundings. I was in a metal cage. There were other cages in the room, and strange whimpering noises were coming from each one. A small table covered with beakers and vials sat in the corner near my cage. A small window was above it, but only darkness poured into the room. I could hear voices outside of the mysterious room, and I could smell chemicals. The room smelled like a sterilized hospital. "Where am I?" I murmured, feeling around the small space. I was in so much pain, and I couldn't get up. It hurt just to breathe. I had gone looking for my brother Sage after he went missing. I found a large warehouse that didn't look like it belonged in the dense forest near home. It was getting dark and I was starting to head home. I couldn't remember anything after that. I was missing a pretty good chunk of my memories. There was no way to know how long I had been gone or what time or what day it was now. I was scared. I couldn't hold it in any longer, so I started to cry. Out of fear, out of confusion, out of worry. I cried for what felt like forever, and then I heard a gruff voice yell, "Shut up! Do you want them to come in here?"

My sobs turned into soft sniffles and whimpers. "I-I don't know where I am. I don't know how long I've been here. I-I'm so scared," I whispered. I heard the bars of one cage rattle as if someone had thrown all of their weight into it. "'Lilitu? 'Lilitu, is that you?" a familiar voice hissed. "Sage! Oh Sage, where are we?" It was quiet for a long moment and then he spoke again. "'Lilitu, we need to get out of-" The door swung open, and enough light filtered in for me to see. Everyone in the cages went silent. A man in a lab coat, followed by a few men in military uniforms, stepped into the room. The cages were filled with people, but they weren't human. They were... something else. Something horrible. One large man had a snout with sharp tusks and pig-like ears. There was another man with incredibly long arms and a hunched posture. He looked like an ape. A girl chirped in the cage beside me. She had a beak, and wings, and her hands were curved into sharp talons. And then my eyes fell on Sage in the cage across from me. He was horribly deformed, with a long, spiked tail and feet that bowed inward. His crimson eyes met mine, and I had to look away. I couldn't bear the sight. There was no way this was real. It had to be a bad dream. The man in the labcoat walked over to Sage's cage and peered in at him. He then turned to the military men, shaking his head with disappointment. "Nope, this one is a failure," he said, unlocking the cage.

The military men opened it and grabbed him, dragging him by his arms. "Bubba! Bubba no! No!" I shrieked. "Take me instead! God, take me instead! Sage!" One of the military men came over and kicked my cage hard. They continued to drag him out of the room. The man in the lab coat looked around the room with a demented grin before slamming the door, plunging us back into darkness. I tucked my knees against my chest and cried again. The tears burned my cheeks as they trickled down, and there was a dull ache in my chest. I wanted my brother back. "Hey, don't cry little one. It'll be alright," Bird Lady said softly. "N-no it won't. Th-they took my br-brother," I sobbed, my body shaking with every word. "That was your brother?" Boar Man asked. "Y-yes. He's my baby brother. He went missing a few days ago and I was sent to search for him," I answered. "Well, if they took him, he's as good as dead," the gruff voice from before spoke up. "Stop it, Crey! No sense in scaring her more," Ape Man growled. "No sense in lying to her either!" the mystery man shot back. "Wh-who are you? Where are you?" I whimpered, looking around. There was a rattling noise and then a large, hulking beast stepped forward. He had the face of a man, but it was hairy. He was huge! Maybe seven feet tall. He had rippling muscles, bowed feet, and a tail! This man had a shaggy grey tail! "What are you people?" I asked, scooting as far away as the confined space would allow.

"We're chimeras. That's Teresa," he said, pointing to the bird-girl, "Charlie, and Sam. I'm Crey." The Boar Man and Ape Man smiled at me, and I smiled back timidly. "I'm Lillith," I murmured, eyeing the man who was chained to the wall. "Why are you not in a cage?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously. "I'm their sick idea of a 'guard dog'. I'm supposed to make sure no one gets in or out unless it's the scientists. But honestly I don't care, and I want to get out of this place as soon as possible. It's hell," he sighed. "What am I then?" I asked quietly, staring at Crey. "Their next experiment," he replied grimly. "O-oh. I see," I murmured as I curled up in the corner of my cage. I cried myself to sleep that night.

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