Ruins of Hannel

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Right off the shore from the never ending sea, stood Mount Reinstead. This mountain was tall and long and was the only thing dividing the great city of Delhon from the small village of Hannel. Twenty years ago, the mountain division was of little problem. A path was taken through the mountain which spanned two weeks of travel. However, great danger has plagued the pass. Bandits called Manhunters invaded the path robbing and killing all that tried to pass. Many have tried to stop this, even the hero Bron who left his home in Hannel to fight. But he went missing. Five years after his disappearance, the man hunters began to flee. From what? Rumors say the bandits were also practicing witchcraft and spawned a great evil. A werewolf. Strong and indestructible, he has made the mountains his home and the path of Delhon has been long forgotten.

Since by land the path of Delhon was no longer possible, the locals of Hannel started to travel by sea. The entire trip only took four days compared to the old two weeks. This method also made shipping goods much faster. But once again, that didn't last forever.

One night, the village was caught by surprise as great winds and rain washed over the valley. The sea water flooded into the valley causing mass destruction to homes and buildings. It was the worst storm the village had ever seen.

Just as the sun rose the next morning, the typhoon had completely dissipated. With just a few clouds in the sky, no one knew why the gods had launched such a devastating hit and run on their poor small village. The damages were heavily costly.

Right above the flooded village on a cliff about four stories high, stood a teenage boy. He had messy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He was the living image of Bron, the great hero. He was strong in stature, but lacked confidence.

The young boy didn't stand alone for long. Another man, just barely over nineteen years of age walked up from behind. His brown hair was long, perhaps too long. He looked nothing like his Father, however had everything his brother lacked. He was confident and strong, a born leader.

"Saul?" Asked the older brother from behind. Saul didn't answer. "Come on man, let's go. There's no use being here." Saul knew he was right, but couldn't leave. Everything laid out in front of him, laid in ruin.

"Everything here is gone... Everything is flooded." Said Saul.

"I know. But we can rebuild okay? The highest the flood waters got was up to Doran's house."

"Doran's house? Is he okay?"

"He's fine," answered the brother. "Some other though... Weren't so lucky."

"Who?" Asked Saul.

"I'll tell you on the way. We need to get home, the village is in chaos right now." Saul unwillingly agreed to go with.

"So who?" Asked Saul as they began walking back.

"For sure... Three farmers."

"Oh," said Saul not knowing any farmers.

"But," continued the brother, "I've heard rumors of another death... It's just a rumor but still, I think you should at least know". Saul's heart skipped a beat. "There's been talk in town and it seems that James has gone missing..."

"James the doctor?" Asked Saul. The brother nodded. "That can't be true. He's the only doctor this village has... Rory, who's going to take care of Emily?"

"It's just a rumor. Maybe he's out healing people who were injured in the storm, you can't possibly know for sure. For now just, try not to think about it too much?"

"Easier said than done," apprehensively murmured Saul.

Most of the walk home was done in silence. Saul spent the time pondering on what might happen if the doctor really had died. Emily is only twelve after all; she's hardly even lived a fraction of her life. James has to be alive or there would be no one to help cure her.

After their walk in silence, the brothers made it back to their home. Immediately upon entering, an elderly woman came around the corner to meet them.

"It's about time you boys showed up," she said to them.

"Nice to see you too Grandma," responded Rory.

"Is something wrong?" Asked Saul.

"It's your sister dear, she's had a high fever all morning. I've already sent your Grandfather out to look for the doctor. He should have been back by now; I'm not sure what's taking him so long."

"The doctor?" Asked Saul. The two brother exchanged ominous looks.

"I've been preparing some home remedies to help the best I can, but they're showing little effect."

"Well if they're anything like your cooking..." Rory began under his breath.

"Okay look Grandma," Rory said bravely. "I've been around the village today and heard rumors that..."

"Salt!" The Grandmother exclaimed interrupting Rory. "That's just the thing I need. That should help a lot with her throat. Hold that thought Rory." The elderly lady scrambled through cabinets looking for some salt. The brother's waited patiently.

"Um Grandma, I really think you should hear what he has to say..." Backed up Saul. The Grandmother continued to ignore them.

"You know what?" She asked. "I think I actually left my salt at Betty's house. Saul, do you mind checking for me?" Both brother's lost their patience.

"Grandma!" They both shouted. The elderly women stumbled backwards at their abrupt yell. Just as she did, the front door behind them opened. A muscular elderly man walked into the room with a gloomy look on his face. He looked down at the boys seeing that their back, but didn't smile like usual. Instead, he turned to his wife.

"Shirley... I need to have a word with you."

No doubt he had heard the stories of what happened to the doctor. Only his face told the brothers that they were more than just rumors. As him and his wife talked in their room, the brother sat on the hallway floor, and waited.

"What are we going to do now?" Saul asked Rory

"I'll figure something out." He responded after a time.

"But if James is dead..."

"I said I'll handle it," staidly replied Rory. Saul bowed his head.

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