Chapter 2: Little Window

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Keira's POV


As soon as I got home I felt my pockets. I had set my bag down on the kitchen table.
"That's strange. I thought I put my wallet in my pocket," I whisper to myself. I shove my hands in my pockets.
"Unless... shit!" I shout. As I was exiting the gas station I bumped into that guy. It must've fallen out there. By now someone has probably taken it and is using my credit card.
I groan in frustration as I hear a sudden knock at the door. I swing the door open.
"What the hell do you want? I'm kinda in the middle of a crisis," I hiss at the person. I look to see who it is and my pissed look turns into a confused one. It was the guy I ran into at the gas station.
"Yeah, I know you are," the guy replys, laughing a bit. He holds out my wallet to me and my eyes widen. I snatch my wallet from him and hug it close to me.
"How?" I ask him.
He laughs a bit more and says, "Well, once you left the gas station I realized that you dropped it. So, I followed you here just to give it back to you. Don't call me a creeper or anything like that. I was just really motivated to return your wallet." He scratches the back of his neck in a really cute way.
"What motivated you exactly?" I ask him as I tilt my head to the side a bit in confusion.
He smiles and tells me, "Getting to see a rad looking girl." I couldn't help but to lightly blush at his compliment.
"Say, what's your name?" He asks me.
I smile shyly and respond, "Keira Sterling." He looks me up and down as if he were trying to approve that my name suited me.
"Well, Keira Sterling," he says confidently, "I'd like to get to know you better if you don't mind." I giggle as he says this.
I shake my head as if snapping back to reality. "Sure, but only if you tell me your name stranger," I reply as I lean against the door frame.
He chuckles and looks at me with a smile. "I'm Jordan Maron," He tells me.
I suddenly freeze up as he says his name. It rolls off his tongue as if it were no big deal, but to me, it is the biggest deal ever. Before me stood my youtube idol, CaptainSparklez. It's as if I was given a little window of opportunity.


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