Part 5

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Newt's POV:

Right now i am in the movies with the boy i have a crush on. But the problem is that we are with his friends and its not a date. I wish it was me and Thomas together. Alone. I am watching a movie that is creeping me out and i am going to emit it that it is kinda scary. A jump scared just happen and i grabbed Thomas hand. I quickly looked down and let go. i look over and see that he saw my hand to. Crap. But something weird happens he takes my and again but when he takes it I feel sparks.


After the movies we all went to go get some food to eat. So we all wanted to go get pizza and it turns out me and Thomas like the same thing. ugh whats wrong with me i like him so much it hurts. ''Hey have you guys heard the fair is opening tomorrow. Do any of you want to come''. I saw Minho nudge Thomas with his elbow and nodded to me. ''yeah and i think we all should go you too Newt'' Thomas smiles at me and let me tell you his smile is so cute. I am still thinking about when he held my. I wonder if he likes me. Nah i know he doesn't who would like me. I and not cute and people don't love or like me. My mom doesn't love me and even when she is her real self. 

Ugh i got to stop thinking these thoughts or i am just going to start again. Then i think about it i think if i just try and have a normal life here i will stop thinking about all this stuff.'' Yeah i will do, i don't think my mom will care'' I fake a smile. Thomas nodes and we all continue eating our pizza.

We all finish and say goodbye to one another. Of course i am riding with Tommy and i am not complying i am not happy i am glade me and him  are alone. But only for like 15 minuets. '' So what you think about the movie Newt'' Tommy asked me while he is trying to find a song or a CD we can listen to. '' It was fine but only the ending was pretty Creepy'' I  said and took the CD's away from him and Picked falling in revers and the song  Brother came on. '' Well i think i could agree with you the movie kinda did suck and the ending was creepy'' he looked over at me and then back at the rode. 

We finally got to my house and i said goodbye to Tommy but this supersized me and him i think. I kissed him on the cheek before i got out of the car. I walked up to my porch and turned and waved bye to him before walking in side and seeing his car diaper. 

Thomas's POV: 

He kissed me on the cheek. I am sitting here on my bed looking at the ceiling and can't stop thinking about newt. Oh my god. Know i am sure i am gay and Like newt. I hear my Phone ring and of course its my ex-girlfriend so i pick up the phone.

''What do you want, Brenda''

''I miss you and i just wanted to see if you wanted to come over and...see me'' she said tring to sound sexy.

'' Or no i told you i don't like you and to stay away from me and stop calling me'' I said and Hung up on her before she could say anything.  I put my phone down and my thoughts went back to Newt. God just thinking about him makes me want to die. 

Know that i am thinking about a guy how am i going to tell people i don't want to lose my friends and people around my school and town don't stay out of other people lives well some do. But that's not the point. Ii need to stop think and go to bed. 

I put pandora on and the song Face down By The red jumpsuit apparatus comes on and witn that i fall asleep.

Dreaming about the most beautiful person. Newt. 


Oh mu god Guys i am so so so so sorry not updating i was just grounded off the laptop and couldn't up date. But whoa I would never think i could write this long of a chapter. well its long to me and i hope you liked it. see you next chapter Shanks.

P.S sorry if i am not putting any Glader slang its hard because i am trying to focus on the story more than what kind of slang they are using.

xx- Names newt greenie   





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