Chapter Six

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I woke up in my bed, with my headache somehow gone. I saw Wayne sitting in a chair and staring at the clock. 11:25. The concert would be just ending.


"You're up." He seemed very relieved. "Are you feeling better?"

I looked at my arm to see a brand new bandage. "Yeah."

"Good, because Dan wants to see you."

I sighed deeply, trying to come up with an excuse for why he couldn't come to my room. "He shouldn't be getting up out of bed. He needs to rest."

"I went over to his room; trust me, he's as awake as ever. And we can wheel him here so he doesn't have to walk."

Dammit, Wayne.

"Oh... okay." I knew there was no avoiding Dan at this point. I kinda felt bad for leaving him like that, but I honestly thought that he already had everything and everyone he wanted.

Wayne was getting a phone call, and I peeked over to see the name Daniel Platzman pop up on the screen.

"Hello?... Yeah, she just got up... Right now?... Dan doesn't demand things..."

The conversation went on for a minute or two until it seemed that the two band mates finally settled.

"Okay, just bring him up... Bye." He hung up and locked his phone. "They're coming up now."

We waited a few minutes until there was a loud knock on the door. Wayne got up to answer it, but Ben had already opened the door and walked in.

"Hey, Maggie." Ben came to my bedside. "Sorry about the door thing before. I wish I had seen you."

"It's okay." I smiled. It still felt so weird having a conversation with a member of my favorite band ever.

Daniel walked in with Dan in a wheelchair, his crutches in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other. I couldn't help but be happy that he was there.

"Maggie." Ben and Wayne moved a little farther away so Dan would have room to be next to me. He handed the flowers to me. "These are for you."

I blushed as I took the beautiful flowers. They were red, light blue, and violet. There was also a card in the middle of the bouquet. There were designs hand drawn on the front, with my name in perfect cursive. I looked up at Dan, and he nodded for me to open it.

"Dear Mag,
These flowers may be pretty, but they don't look anywhere near as amazing as you do. I am so happy I've gotten to know you so well since last night. And yes, one day is a short time for two people to feel this way; but I have this great feeling inside of me that this is truly meant to be."

I started to cry, and Dan leaned over to wipe the tears off of my face. Blinking my eyes to make my vision better, I continued.

"I may be a dumb guy who knows nothing about love, but I love you. That's it. I love you. I know everything is going at lightning speed right now, and this is just another crazy thing to add to the list, but I needed to let you know how I felt. I also want to know something else...
Maggie Lynn Ellison, will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?"

Dan Reynolds, I would never in my life say no to you.

I smiled the biggest smile I had ever done before, still crying. "I don't see why not."

He leaned in and pressed his lips onto mine, and wrapped his arms around my neck. The rest of the band clapped and hollered as we finished the kiss and looked to them with happy faces.

"Yeah Dan!" Wayne patted him on the back, while Ben and Daniel fist bumped.

"I love you." I said to him, laughing at the handshake he had with Wayne. Damn, how I wished for a friendship like that.

"I love you too, Mag." He grabbed my hand. "Now let's get out of here."

"Dude, it's midnight. Where are you going?" Ben chimed in as he laughed.

"True." I replied. "Guess we'll have to wait until the morning."

"What are we supposed to do? It's not like we can sleep. That's all we've done for the past day." Dan questioned.

"I have an idea." I smirked, and with their dirty minds I can only imagine what they thought I was going to say.

"Hey Daniel, do you still have the tour bus here?"

"Yeah, we're keeping it here until he's discharged. Why?"

"Got any instruments in there?"

"Of course we do." He realized where I was going with it, and a smile appeared on his face. "I'll go get a few acoustic guitars."

"What are you guys doing?" Ben asked.

"Finishing the concert."

I looked over at Dan, and I couldn't believe how his face lit up.

"Let's do it." He grinned with excitement.

The three buds talked about video games they played and other nerdy stuff I didn't understand until Daniel got back. He had a guitar slung over his shoulder, and he held the necks of two other guitars in each hand.

"What song should we do first?" Wayne asked.

"I think we should let Maggie decide." Dan turned to me, and so did the rest of them.

"Hmm... How about Fallen?" It was one of my favorite songs off of their first album. It wasn't on the set list for that night, but I really wanted to hear it.

"Okay." Daniel kept one guitar and gave the other two to Wayne and Ben. They started playing the beginning chords, and then I heard Dan's beautiful voice join in.

Run for cover, my sense of fear is running thin...

The song was perfect. I clapped and cheered once they were done.

"What next?" Dan asked me.

"How about Polaroid?"

They continued to play and sing amazingly, through every song I suggested. By the time they had finished, it was past one in the morning.

Wayne yawned. "I'm gonna go to bed."

"Me too." Ben and Daniel both chimed in.

"We'll see you guys in the morning." Wayne waved goodbye to me and hugged Dan before leading the other two out to the tour bus.

"I'm gonna try and sleep. It's all I can do, really." I pulled up the blankets so I was covered.

"Me too." He closed his eyes.

"You're gonna sleep in the wheelchair?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He yawned, leaning his head back.

"Okay, goodnight. Sleep well." I slowly shut my eyes, hoping I could fall asleep.

I ended up just laying in bed for a while, until I realized it was almost three in the morning.

"Dan?" I whispered.

He picked his head up and looked at me. "Is everything okay?"

"I just... I can't sleep."

He slowly got up out of his wheelchair and got into the bed with me. I tucked him under the covers, and he rolled over to my side so he was facing me.

"You're so beautiful." He brushed my hair out of my face.

"I love you." I giggled, and he wrapped his comforting arms around me as I was finally able to go to sleep.


I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVER I'M SORRY I had huge writer's block for this chapter so if it seems kinda bad that's why. I MADE YOU WAIT 18 DAYS FOR A BAD CHAPTER I'M A TERRIBLE PERSON. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it 😂.


Instagram: @/katiescialabba
Twitter: @/_kaatieee__

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