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"I love you more," he replies.

She pulls away. "No way," she says sternly. "You're the best boyfriend. Ever." She kisses him softly.

He pulls back then, and grins. "I am," he agrees. "But there's still more of your present." He ignores her disapproving smile and pulls her out of the bedroom gently. He leads her to their sun-room, her favourite room in the house, and makes her cover her eyes. The room was on the corner of the penthouse they shared, and two walls were entirely made of windows, looking out over Miami. He opens the door quietly and ushers her inside. "Open your eyes," he says.

She opens them eagerly and has to make a conscious effort not to cry where she stood. There, in front of her was a new grand piano, sleek and black and beautiful. Aligned on the walls hung a string of white lights. But as she got closer, she noticed a thick, brown book, worn from many years of usage, sitting atop the piano lid. She gasps and picks it up, doing a once-over. Her fingers lightly graze the A on the cover. "Y-you..." she sputters. "You found it." She looks at him, tears welling in your eyes.

He nods, smiling. "I was looking through some of the unpacked boxes the other day because I was trying to find my favourite hoodie, and it just fell out of it when I picked it up." He walks over and leans on the wall.

She smiles. "I forgot that I put it there," she says. "When we moved, I remember that I wanted to put it somewhere I was sure it wouldn't get ruined. I haven't seen it in over a year." She hugs the book to her chest.

"We really need to finish unpacking," he muses. She puts the book back and turns to look out the windows. He comes beside her and and puts an arm around her shoulder. He gives her a light kiss on the side of her forehead and looks out with her. "I love you," he whispers.

"I love you more."

Those devastating, life-shattering words came far too soon, and Austin was left staring blankly at his hospital gown.

"You have cancer, Mr. Moon," the doctor repeats. "I'm sorry. Is there anyone you want me to call?"

Austin blinks, slowly at first, then rapidly as the tears threaten to spill. Not here. "Uh," he thinks, wiping his eyes. "No." He takes a deep breath. "No, I... It's fine."

"Okay well, Mr. Moon, you'll have to undergo a series of tests to determine the severity," the doctor says, scribbling on a sheet. "You can schedule an appointment with the lady at the front. But you'll need your ID and medical information."

Austin nods solemnly. He's left to get changed on his own, left to collect his thoughts. I have cancer, he thinks. How will I tell Ally? On his ride home he considers this. But the only scenarios he imagines end with her crying, and him comforting her. But he doesn't want her to cry. She'd doesn't deserve to cry ever. So he decides he won't tell her.

When he returns to their penthouse his cough alerts her to his presence. "Hey Austin," she greets. I'm making French toast, do you want some? They're not pancakes, but-"

"It's perfect," he assures her. "I love French toast." He decides that all he wants is to make her happy. And truth be told, he loves French toast. She just smiles and he joins her in the kitchen. Aesthetically, he doesn't look like he has cancer. But something feels different now. And he hopes she doesn't see it.

"What did the doctor say?" she asks between bites.

"About what?" he stalls.

"About your cough," she laughs.

"Oh, nothing," he lies. "He said it's probably just a cold. Sometimes coughs linger." He mentally pats himself on the back for his fib.

"Oh good," she says. "So I was thinking we should just watch some movies tonight. We can order a pizza, make some popcorn. Just relax."

❀ Auslly one shot ❁Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin