Kiss Me Forever[Chapter 4]

Start from the beginning

"And what are you, huh? Aren't you here for that reason, too?"

Katharina was shocked. That Gaia really is conniving. She managed to make Athan against Katharina. She would not tolerate that kind of manipulations. "I am your fiancée, Athan. I am going to marry you and be with you every step of the way."

Athan turned his back to her and looked over the scenery of his country. He absently rubbed a hand over his neck. "You are not my fiancée, Katharina."

"Not yet. But I will be. By then, we would rule Sovandara."

"Maybe I don't want you with me."

"And who will you choose? Your little bed partner Gaia?"

"I could marry her. Who knows?"

Katharina was at his side again in an instant, her long nails gripping his arms. "Are you threatening me? You are promised to me!" Before he could speak, she went on, "Fine! You could keep her when we are married, Athan. Make her your mistress but do not ever flaunt her out the society. If you do, you'll regret it."


"So, how are you?" Tamara asked me.

We were in her room. The walls were painted lavender and almost everything inside the room is also in that color. It was a very princess-y room.

"I'm fine." I said as I folded a part of the dress that needs trimming. "Why do you ask?"

"Nothing," She said innocently. I finished the dress I made for her and now she's fitting it. It was sea blue in color, very perfect for her skin. The neckline displayed her generous cleavage and it fits snugly in her hips. She looked so beautiful and sexy that I know any man who would see her dressed in this would automatically be taken.


Tamara hummed while I worked on her. "Do you know Athan's best friend is coming for the party?"

The party she was talking about is for the closest friends of the royal family. It would be a weeklong party starting from next week. "Really? The Greek guy your parents and Athan was talking about on dinner?"

"Yeah," She answered, feigning interest. "He's really rich."

"Oh." I glanced up from where I am kneeling. Tammy was facing the mirror, examining her reflection. But there was a glint in her eyes. "What's his name?"

"Alexis Metaxis," I thought Tammy shivered by saying his name.

"Is he handsome?"

"Uh, he's okay. Dark hair, dark eyes and the works. Why?" She frowned down at me.

I stood up and studied her. "We're done," I said. "Well, maybe if he's handsome, I could charm him, you know." I winked.

Her jaw dropped. "What... what... WHAT?"

"Oh, c'mon, Tammy. You don't think I can't make some billionaire fall in love with me, right?"

She stalked to her bed and sat at the edge. "No, of course not. You've got my brother..." She trailed off and then she was back at her feet again. Glaring. "And what about my brother, Gaia? You're just going to dump him for Alexis? Is that it? Because Alexis is coming..."

I laughed. "I'm just joking, Tam." I laughed some more. "Besides, it looks like you're in love with him and I would never dream of stealing a guy from my best friend."

Tamara turned red. "Of course, I'm not... that is in love with him. Why would I-I be? I v-virtually know not a thing a-about him." She stammered.

I crossed my arms and lifted a brow. "Really? Well, whatever you say, Tammy. Whatever you say."


I opened the door to my room and gaped when I saw Katharina standing at the middle of it.

"You're back. I have been waiting so long," She breathed. "Close the door."

She looked so composed and cool. Fia told me never to trust a person with such façade. But she just stood there silently until I closed the door.

As soon as the door clicked close, she started to talk. "Let me get this straight, Gaia. Athan and I are engaged to be married. And we are going to get married, I'm telling you. Soon. Do you hear that?" She did not give me time to answer. "He might find you attractive and pleasurable in bed but that does not mean he would always keep you there."

"We did-"

"I don't care about what the two of you did!" She exploded then caught herself and breathed in and out. "Athan would find emotional episodes annoying so I am here to warn you never to try to fight for a better position. He would move on from you but for now, he seems content with your performance. He fought me to keep you as his mistress even after our wedding. You understand, I agreed," She smiled. Or more like grimaced at me. "Athan is an oversexed man. For all I know he is scared out of his shoes by the prospect of marriage. Men like him cherish their freedom. But he knows how to keep his word. We shall marry and until he gets used to a married life, he would keep you."

I was so shocked with what Katharina the Tramp is saying that I didn't realize I slumped down the floor.

"I would not tolerate public show-offs. If you ever try to show up with Athan in public, you would not only be disgraced by me but I would make sure he does not ever see you again." Katharina was now glaring at me. If her eyes were daggers, I would be dead already. "Do I make myself clear, Gaia?"

I looked up from her pretty shoes and nodded absently. Athan sent her to tell me all this. I could not believe it. But Katharina said so herself. Athan dislike emotional episodes and this one is surely a burden he would rather be taken by others.

"Good. I must go. Athan and I are to have dinner in the village," Walking to the door, she glanced over her shoulder. "You're a good girl, Gaia. A wonderful servant. Have a nice day."

Thanks, blast you!


I cried myself to sleep that night. Athan deceived me. He was engaged to Katharina. How more messed up could my life get?

And to top all that off, he wants me to be his mistress!

Is that how low he thinks of me? Oh, how much I hate him! I so hate him!

I would not be his mistress! I would never agree to such offer. I would let him know that he could never have me unless... unless... he marries me. There!

I won't be a reason of a wife's hatred. I won't be anyone's mistress. Especially Athan's mistress. Even though to be in his bed sounds exciting.

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