Pete #WhateverBecauseIStillDontKnow

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You, Pete, Patrick, Andy, Joe, and Brendon Urie were having a BBQ. Brendon accidentally had a bit too much to drink, so he was drunk. 

You were were casually recording the BBQ for the future (Family home video much?) and Brendon stole the camera to tell, The drunk history of Fall Out Boy.

By the time you realize, Brendon was already half through, and you were laughing too much to get even a little mad. 

(I don't remember the video -_-, sorry)

Just as Brendon was finishing the history, you took the camera back.

"Sorry for that little shit hogging my star time," you say, then do a really awkward hairflip. 

Pete takes the camera. "And for that little shit taking the time out hair." Pete points to his hair, which at this point, was just bleached. 

"Aww, you have nice hair," you say, and kiss his head. 

"Nope," Brendon says, and takes the camera back. "I'd like to say, I'm not a little shit. And someone get me a pillow." 

Then, Brendon passed out. 

"The end," Pete says and end the video/home movie.

Small A/N -

Hi. I just want to tell all of you little shits (I'm calling you that now. No offense, I love you all!) that if you have a suggestion for an imagine or if you want an imagine for you, then just drop it in my DMs/inbox. I check those almost everyday, and I can't look at all he comments, so that's easier for me and you, right? 

Anyways, I love you <3 and thank you for all the support on these imagines.

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