Chapter Five - "Not Sure If Starting To Like You Or..."

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"What makes you think that?" he asked softly.

She turned to him in slight confusion. "I'm not your Tenten, so you don't care. And aren't you supposed to be mad at me?"

"Only if you want me to," he said, smirking. She sighed and shook her head, standing up and walking over to her dresser.

Neji waited a moment or two before saying, "I wouldn't mind hanging out with you Tenten... We're not enemies like that, you know." Tenten sighed and said, "Alright. Fine. But you're not going to like what I have planned."

"I'll take my chances," he replied, walking towards the bedroom door.

Tenten hesitated before letting a cup on the dresser drop to her foot. She cursed and leaned on the dresser. Neji gave her an annoyed look and said, "By tonight, you're going to be completely bruised."

Tenten smirked and said, "I'll be your Tenten for all day until you tell me all that needs to be said. Until then, I suggest you accept it, Creep."

Neji rolled his eyes and walked out, shutting the door behind him. Tenten waited until he was out of earshot before she screamed slightly and held her foot.

'God that hurt,' she thought, 'He'd better just go on and tell me sooner or later.'


Neji took Tenten out to enjoy the cool weather near the river, and also took the time to further explain the personality differences.

She'd stop him and tell him who acted like this or who did what, and he'd listen closely. They then went quiet as they watched the river move about.

After a few minutes of silence, Tenten asked, "What am I like over here...?" Neji looked up thoughtfully, then at Tenten.

He said, "You're superstitious at times. You used to try and read my hand a lot. You complain at times, and yes, you are good at wielding weapons. Really good actually. You helped me personally when it came to overcoming one of my weaknesses."

She looked at him and asked, "What did I help you with?" Neji smiled and said, "You helped me try and work around having a blind spot that almost became the death of me." "Oh," she replied, "I must be a really cool person."

He chuckled and said, "You are to me. You also have a bit of a temper and we do argue still from time to time. I still lo- care about her though."

Neji blushed at his slip up and went quiet afterwards.

Tenten didn't see the slip up, as she was stuck in her own thoughts.

After a moment, Tenten said, "She seems to have it better than I... I didn't even know you had a blind spot. The other Neji... He never said anything about having one, nor did he ever try and properly spar with me. As for believing in ghosts or whatever... I don't. Reality hasn't given me the luxury."

Neji nodded softly and gently rubbed her back. She looked at Neji and said, "You're so different from him... I don't understand how the same person can be so different if placed under certain situations..."

He nodded.

"I understand what you mean." They looked at each other for a moment, and Tenten felt tension. Neji was feeling quite the opposite, but he didn't say.

After a moment, Neji asked, "Would you mind telling me about how I act a little more? Maybe I can come to some understanding of the Neji you know."

She tensed up. She was unsure if he would really want to hear about someone as terrible as himself, in a sense.

But it didn't seem like he would let her avert the subject.

Swapped Kunoichi (Completed 2016)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora