Chapter 2

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               Chemistry was always my favorite time of day. Mr. Wes was by far the GREATEST teacher to ever walk these halls I swear. As he went on about the properties of metals and non-metals I discretely eyed each one of my classmates. I would say that I was a part of a pretty good group of people besides the very few who didn't take anything seriously. But hey, every class had those groups of people. I, of course, had the highest average (98) in Chemistry. But then came Joann Cruz with a 91, Marco Caldron with an 87, and everyone else who can barely make it above a 75. Most of the "under achievers," as Mr. Wes likes to categorize them, were those people that I mentioned that didn't take their work seriously. The leader of the under achievers was the stereotypical, high school captain of the football team, Brenden . He also just so happened to be Leila's ex boyfriend. Typical huh? The pretty, popular girl dating the schools MVP. They dated for about a year before they decided to call things off. I actually hate to admit this but he was pretty cute. The big brown eyes, long lashes, perfect smile. He was the total package, but he was my best friend's EX BOYFRIEND for crying out loud! I had the natural instinct to hate his guts. I had always told Lei that I would never date anyone's ex because that's against "girl code," and you can't just break girl code especially if it was between you and your best friend.
                We had finished the lesson earlier than usual, and Mr. Wes decided to talk about how he wasn't worthy of his wife. Don't think in a negative way, he was just explaining that a woman is so special that no man really ever deserves their love no matter how hard they work.
"Ladies, I want you to remember one thing: No man is worthy of you so don't settle for less."
"Mr. Wes, if no man is worthy of us, what are we supposed to do? Stay alone forever?
"You aren't going to be alone forever. You'll fall in love multiple times and meet several new people who make you so happy you find yourself smiling for no reason, but there will be that one person who changes your life around. Maybe in a good way, maybe in a bad way. The whole point is to see things in a new light. They'll make you realize what you truly want. That person might end up breaking your heart, but if they don't you'll know that they're the perfect person for you."
"But M-," and with that the end of class came and I had to go on with my day.
                Lunch couldn't have come soon enough. I was exhausted with the amount of work each of my honors and AP classes were giving me, and I don't think I've ever had to carry so many books in my life. I wonder if Leila had already gotten to lunch. We sat in the back where not many people crowd around so we're pretty much left in peace. Most days I spend my lunch period in the library reading or working on my poetry. I really want to be a writer after I graduate college. Writing is my sort of escape, I can express all of my innermost feelings and thoughts through, poetry, songs, and stories. I'm currently working on a poem about a star-crossed couple, but I'm kind of having trouble finishing it. I push my thoughts aside as I walk through the cafeteria doors.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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