Chapter 5

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Two Weeks Later

Its been a while since we got caught by Hetal's mom after the Tempest, and we still haven't exactly gotten over it. Well, I have, and so has Hetal and the guys. Valency and my best friend Maleia haven't. They're still expecting to see some "aftershock" of it. The rest of us have been trying to make them think otherwise, but Val always gets touchy after getting caught in trouble, and Maleia still feels like its her fault.

As for me, I'm over that, but I'm still stuck on the words Alex said to me. It's as if its on replay in my head, and it has been. For the past two weeks.

"Was that for show or were you serious?"

Not only that, but after Chem 2 on Tuesday, I was walking to the campus park and he grabbed my shoulders by the back. I was so scared.

Tuesday (Flashback)
"Alex!" I exclaimed with a mix of emotions even I didn't know that I had. He turned me around to face him and gave me his cheeky grin. I was trying my best to not look him in the eye, I was still too scared too, so I placed my view on the back of the school. It was only September, but there was a brisk wind in the air. The trees waved and danced. The school was white, with windows in every class, looking out into the quad, outside gym, or the school garden. Our mascot, the Vikings were painted almost everywhere it was possible.
"Chikku" he said, surprising me with the name he called me. Alex hasn't called me that in almost 5 years. Since we both got a little older. It was the name he gave me, to remind me of my background. My dad is Indian and my mom was white. When we were kids, like, 7 or 6, our parents used to joke around with us, and that led to my nickname he gave me, Chikku, and his nickname from me, Ponnu.
"Alex" I repeated.
"Hey." He said.
"Umm. Hi? Why suddenly do you have a change of heart? I thought you hated me?" I replied with a short chuckle-snort.
"Well" he said, giving me a reassuring feeling that he was going to use me for something, "first of all, why would I hate you?" He said with a questioning laugh, "and second of all, I heard you were taking the SATs this year, and was hoping if you would like to be my study buddy."
Yup, I thought. He's definitely trying to use me.
"I thought you took it last year? You are a senior...." I said hastily.
"Yeah... My score on that wasn't exactly USciences material.... Anyways, since your taking it this year, I was thinking...."

I knew it was a horrible idea and that I was probably going to drop so many grades with this. Hell i even knew that my SAT score this year might not even be what I want it to be with Alex as a study buddy. Before I could say anything, my tongue took a leap and said words I didn't want to decipher.

"Yeah Alex. I'll text u. " I said that day as I turned around to think about what the hell i just did.

I was about to go into AP Gov when I realized i was late. My Gov teacher, Mr. Gartiev was always on my back, but today he was scolding Dahmyr for something i didnt even want to know. I swear the kids are so immature now.

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