I trusted him (Alex's pov)

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"I trusted him, I really did!" I sobbed, my best friend letting me cry into her shoulder. The truth was that I missed Barry. His sweetness, his big innocent blue eyes, his soft voice, his big hands, his clumsiness, his soft brown curls, his sweet lips, his everything. The truth was I missed my lovable big teddy bear.
"Jacinda, I trusted him. I really did! I never should have let Keller in! I should've let Barry know first!" I screamed, pounding my fists into the walls, leaving holes. I didn't care, I just missed him. The sweet little conversations, our cuddling in bed, watching tv with him on the couch, I missed everything I did with him. Then, we both heard a knock on the door. Jacinda opened it and I just kept where I was. I knew it was one of my other best friends, Carl Schmitt, but it wasn't.
"Hi Alex," his soft voice murmured, the same voice he always had. I was talking about Barry Milland, but I didn't want him. I didn't need him.
"Barry, I don't need you. I never needed you. But I realized that when you kicked me out, I needed you. I just-" Barry cut me off.
"Alex, just shut the hell up. I knew you never loved me until you left. But I've moved on from you. I met somebody else. Besides, I never told you I was gay," Barry said, and my world crumbled even more. I should have known that the most adorable guys were gay.

I sat straight up and looked around, expecting to see Barry taunting me. I felt the familiar warm tears down my cheeks, and I missed the familiar warmth of Barry's soothing arms around me. Just then, knocking on the front door. I leapt out of bed and wiped my face in the process. I opened the front door and in strolled Carl, my best friend. Just then, he was yanked back and knocked unconscious. Barry stood over his body, looking terrified. My teddy bear came to my rescue. I let him in and just stood there waiting until Barry said something.
"I missed you," he mumbled, staring at his shuffling feet. His cute blush had crept from his cheeks to his ears, which made me want to hug him, but at the same time, I was mad as hell at him for leaving me.
"I didn't. I was mad and still mad as hell at you Barry. I don't care if you came to fucking apologize to me, I don't want to hear it. All I know is that YOU kicked me out of your life. Its been SEVEN FUCKING MONTHS. SEVEN!!!!!!!!! Just get the hell out of my life. I, hmmm. Don't look at me like that," I hissed, because Barry was looking at me with his big innocent puppy eyes. Barry walked over and wrapped his arms around me and started to cry.
"Please don't yell. Your too pretty," he said, but I pushed him away and slapped him, hard. I don't care anymore, I loved him. I loved this man that was in my home, but he left me out like a ragged battered puppy.
"I loved you Barry. I really did, but you left me. You kicked me out, and I don't want to hurt anymore. You deserve better than me. Way better th-" Barry cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. God how I missed those lips. Just as soon as he kissed me, the kiss was gone. I whimpered as Barry placed a chaste kiss once more against my lips.
"I'm mad too you know, I never understood why you were so special until I kicked you out. Well, shit. Listen to us, rambling when I could be making love to you," Barry said.
"No making love until I fully forgive you Mister Milland. And my dogs but Sheamus were taken again," I said. But I remembered something, Sheamus passed away the week after Barry kicked me out of his life.
"Shit, Sheamus passed away seven months ago," I said, sobbing now into Barry's chest.
"Know I'm never going to leave, alright?" Barry said, brushing the hair away from my face. I nodded and kissed him once more.
"I love you Barry,"I murmured.
"I love you too Alex," Barry murmured back.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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