Chapter 40 - La Glace et des Oreillers Moelleux

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@MaliaIDallas: I'm sorry my beautiful people but I will not be uploading the video until tomorrow as in august 11 because I am only getting the chance to edit now. Love you all ♡♡

I sent out the tweet and went back to editing the video. I put in some background music and then I cut some stuff. When I poured the water on Taylor I probably repeated that scene ten times and in slow motion. Lily got out of the shower before I was done and when she had gotten dressed she watched the video and gave me some tips on stuff. We finished the video at three in the morning. I was more than happy to welcome sleep. I turned off the light and Lily and I crawled into bed.

** ** **

"Malia you have to get up we have your doctor's appointment," Cameron's voice rung in my ears. I was so tired. I managed to sit up nonetheless.

"It's seven now. Your appointment is in an hour," Cameron says to me then he leaves the room. I look at Lily and see she is still asleep. I didn't want to wake her so I let her sleep. I stood up and stretched. I was thankful that this cast was coming off. However I was not thankful that it had to come off at eight o'clock in the morning. I walked into the bathroom. I observed my face. I didn't look bad. My beanie was still miraculously on my head from when I forgot to take it off. I pulled it off to be greeted with a bird's nest. I picked up my brush and started brushing the tangles out. Once my hair was tangle free I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom and picked up my phone to see what the weather was going to be like today. The high was supposed to be 95 degrees and the low was supposed to be 64 degrees. I can deal with that. I went to my small drawers/cabinets and pulled out a navy blue t-shirt that said Western University '09' on it. Don't ask me how I got it because I don't know. I slipped off my grey sweatshirt and put the t-shirt on. I found a pair of jean shorts and slid those on after I took off my leggings. I left my beanie off and took a pair of aviator sunglasses. I slipped on my black flip flops and grabbed my phone before walking out of my room.

Once I stepped into the hallway I walked right back into my room. If Lily woke up while I was gone I wanted her to know where I was. I wrote on my chalkboard, Cameron took me to doctor's appointment to get cast removed. Be back soon 

With that I left the room. I hurried downstairs and into the kitchen. We didn't have any food for breakfast so I didn't know what we were going to eat. Cameron was sitting at the curved bar on his phone. When I walked in he looked up.

"Ready to get that thing off your arm?" He asks referring to my cast.

"Yes, I don't know how Taylor does it," I tell him. Cam chuckles and we walk downstairs to get to the garage. We get into Cam's car and he backs out of the driveway and closes all the doors.

"What about breakfast?" I ask Cameron once we are on the road. I wasn't all that hungry but I knew that by the time we got back the guys would be starving.

"Oh yeah, what do you want?" He asks me.

"I don't really care I'm not hungry. But the guys and Lily are going to want some type of nourishment," I remind him.

"Right. We can get them something on the way back because we don't know how long this will take," He says. I nod my head in agreement. I was still quite tired from only getting about 4 hours of sleep but I knew I would pull through.

** ** **

We pulled up to the hospital at 7:40am. Cam and I got out of the car and walked through the hospital doors. This was where we came for everything. We came here to get our teeth cleaned, our annual doctor's appointments, etc. We rode the elevator up to the 8th floor where my doctor had directed us to go.

The Secret Life of Malia DallasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora