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Grounders are terrifying human beings. They rarely show emotion and have no issue with dealing with a problem. I guess, that's where I come in.

My past is something that is quite hazy, something that I can't put together because I remember none of it. All I know is that I woke up on Earth with nothing but the clothes on my back, a pounding headache, and surrounded by a hundred or more Grounders. I was taken immediately. They threw me into a makeshift cell, always demanding who I was, if there were more, and what I planned on doing.

My mind was blank.

I remembered nothing and that's what caused me to be beaten everyday. That's all it took for me to be treated like dirt. Sometimes, I think death would be easier.

When Guards storm into my cell one day, asking to know who the people from the sky are, I couldn't give them an answer. I was very close to dying that time. One Grounder, surprisingly has a soft spot for me, and always helped me heal or eat.

This time, he let me go.

It's only a matter of time before the Sky People find me and who knows how they will treat me. Unless they recognize me for someone I've never heard of, claiming that I'm actually one of them. 


I do not own The 100 or any of the characters. I only own my own character, which I do not want to say her name yet until I get to that chapter, but I only own her and her story.

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