" I can guarantee that you'll be prosperous in your job search. As long as you're comfortable they can help you." I looked at her plate and she's hardly taken a bite of anything. "Are you enjoying the food?" I ask.

" I am." She says sitting her fork in her plate. " I'm a little tired and really want to settle in. Take a long bath and gather my thoughts about everything. I know you really need to take care of business at your company. You don't have to babysit me."

"Jasmine." I took in a breath. She was simply everything and more. Her kindness made me weak and pleased all in to one. "I have to make sure you're comfortable before I do any of that. My company can wait, besides the meeting doesn't start for another hour an a half." I say looking down at my watch.

" You're stubborn, Yaknow." She giggles shaking her head. "Are you going to be Mr. Obnoxious all over again?" She laughed.

I chuckled. I truly loved her personality. "You give me such a hard time Jasmine. We have to retire that name soon." I grin staring a her. Jesus she takes my breath away with her blatant expressive words me. It's just what I need.

" Maybe, Michael." She clasped her hands together then smiled beautifully. "I told you no special treatment. You have business and I don't want to get in the way of that. I can find my way around here , besides there are plenty of friendly people here I'm sure that's willing to help me."

I was taken aback. She thrilled my soul. She made me want more. The delegation in her tone was something I never had from any woman. I needed the strength she had. If only I would've met her sooner, but that's impossible with our age difference. She exubes peace and love. After the hurt and pain she's suffered, she still smiles. I was never this strong after my mother died and her death wasn't tragic. I can learn from Jasmine and I know we can build from each other. Still, I want to kiss her. I want to love her. Every part of me needs her, but I simply have to be patient. I've never been a patient man when I thought I loved someone, and I guess I never really loved a woman other than Katherine Jackson. She will always be the woman I truly love, but now my heart has an available spirit for Jasmine. However I'm not sure she truly understands my true feelings even though I've expressed my attraction to her. She gazes at me most of the time when I express myself and other times she gives me no eye contact. I simply wonder will her being this close make her love me the way I already love her. Jesus! I found myself staring deeply at her. I looked down quickly when she catches me staring. There was no way I could control my gaze at her. The way her smile reflected put me in a slight trance and I was stuck. Now I wonder will she call me out on it. I actually loves when she speaks her mind.

" No special treatment, Jasmine. I promise." I raise my hands in defeat. "I know I should get to my company, but I had to get you settled in here. This is a huge house and you can get lost. I don't want you to feel defeated and leave. I couldn't take it if you left me,Jasmine."

" I agreed to come here and I'm keeping my word. You told me to always come to you if I have an issue and I will. I guess that's where trust come with our friendship. I have to trust that you'll keep your word and you have to trust that I'll keep mine."

She tells me and I can't get over how mature she comes across. She's making it so easy to love her, which I already do.

" You're right, Jasmine" I gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll go take care of things at Bad Records,and I'll be home soon as I'm finished. Rosalyn is very hands on with everything. Any room you want on the second floor you can have. Your bags will be brought to which ever room you choose. But please don't hesitate to ask for whatever else you may need. " I explain standing up dabbing my napkin across my lips.

First Love Series: One (Book 1 Completed) Currently Editing Where stories live. Discover now