16: Brother If You Have The Time To Pick Me Up

Start from the beginning

Mikey had been thrown into this headfirst, learning all of the gritty details about Frank's condition without Gerard having to explain them, which was a weight off of Gerard's chest in a way, but it also hurt so fucking much when he watched Mikey's face fall as the doctor delivered the grim news.

Gerard wanted Mikey to know what was happening, but he also wanted to protect him from all of this, because he didn't need to watch his friend die, not after having to go through the same thing with Elena, but it was too late for that now, and Mikey was irrevocably tied up in Frank's fate.

"I'm fine," Gerard mumbled, which was the biggest lie in the world, and Mikey knew that as well.

Gerard was anything but fine, he was fucked, seconds away from breaking apart into a million pieces that he would never be able to meld back together into a functioning human being, and only the fact that Frank was still alive, and that he would most likely wake up soon kept Gerard from dissolving into hysterics at the moment.

"Bullshit...because I feel like crap right now, so I can't even imagine how you feel," Mikey huffed out, crossing and uncrossing his lanky legs nervously, trying to get comfortable in the stiff hospital chair.

"Okay - fine, I feel like crap too, but I'm okay, at least for now," Gerard shrugged, his gaze never leaving Frank's slumbering form.

"I'm sorry..." Mikey whispered softly, and the utter desolation in his tone actually caused Gerard to shoot him a worried look, because as much as he didn't want to take his eyes away from Frank, Mikey needed his attention too right now.

"Why - because he's dying? It's not your fault, and it's not anything you need to apologize for."

"No...well yes, but that's not what I meant. I'm sorry for visiting you with no warning, I'm sorry for making him come out, I'm sorry because I feel like...if I hadn't come, Frank would still be fine, or at least better off than he is now," Mikey choked out, unshed tears swimming behind his bespectacled eyes.

"Mikes - hey...look at me," Gerard smiled, trying his best to hide his pain to comfort his baby brother. "None of this was your fault, and his headache would have happened either way, whether we were at home, or out with you. Frank is ecstatic that you are here, and he wouldn't want you doing this...so don't blame yourself, please?"

"I know, I'm sorry - I'm just being stupid...I just - I didn't realize how bad Frank was, and I guess...I don't know. I don't want him to die Gee...I - I -" Mikey was trembling now, trying his hardest to hold back the sobs that Gerard could see shaking his frame with the urge to be released.

"It's okay Mikey, you can cry - fuck knows I did, and have, so you can let go - okay?" And that was all it took for the floodgates to open, and within seconds, tears began pouring down Mikey's face in a never ending torrent, and soon enough, Gerard's joined as well, his arms wrapping around his younger brother as they wept over the unfairness of life, and the soon to be loss of the amazing person that was Frank Iero.

Gerard had no idea how long they stayed like that, embracing each other as they released the sorrow that had been threating to choke them, but when it was over, and their tears began to ebb, Gerard actually felt lighter for once, some of the ever present tension had been eroded away by his sobs, not to mention Mikey's presence, and for once, Gerard didn't feel so alone, or helpless, even though nothing had changed, but sharing this moment with Mikey had made this entire situation a bit easier to bear.

"God - I'm sorry Gee, you shouldn't be comforting me, if anything, it should be the other way around," Mikey sniffled, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his jacket as he pulled away from Gerard's hold reluctantly.

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