Chapter 1: Now

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I hate hospitals. You know what I hate more than hospitals? Cancer. I thought I was done when Nadya died but that would have been too nice. I should have known though. Cancer never takes only one. This new development just adds onto the shit that has been my life.

I thought it was going to take a turn for the better when I married Harry and had my baby but I guess not.

I sigh and walk out of the hospital from my first support group meeting. Not ready to go home yet, I head over to the bar across the street. I sit down at the bar and order a couple of shots.

"So why are you here ordering a lot of tequila, Jezebel? Don't you have a baby and a husband to go home to?" Meredith asks, coming over to sit next to me. I pick up the first shot and down it, slamming the glass down.

"I don't want to go home and tell my husband that I have cancer." I say, breathing through the burn in my throat.

"By the way, your sister is my shrink." I tell her.

"She's not my sister." Meredith says, irritated.

"Whatever." I say, taking another shot.

"Anyway, getting back to the point. That's a really good reason but you need to tell him." Meredith tells me taking a drag on her beer. "He should know if he needs to be prepared for the sickness and all of the lovely entails again."

I suppose I should explain who Meredith is. She was the intern who worked at the hospital on Nadya's case. I grew close to her and kept in touch.

"Yeah but for right now, I just was to drink." I say, downing another shot.

"Okay. Let's drink then." She says, ordering some shots for herself. Once she has hers, she holds it up to me.

"What are we drinking to?" She asks me.

"Health." I say, starting to get a little tipsy already. Meredith just smiles and clinks her glass against mine.

"To health." And we both down our shots.

About 15 shots later, Meredith and I are drunk off our asses and laughing up a storm at absolutely nothing.

"Ooo, your husband's here and he looks mad!" Meredith says, laughing into me. Harry comes over to me.

"Come on, Jezzie. Time to go home." He says, sounding annoyed.

"He sounds annoyed." Meredith says drunkenly, laying her head on the bar but so she can still see us. She looks at me with a pouty face. "Why's he annoyed?"

"Probably because I haven't told him I have cancer yet." I drunk whisper to her. She laughs loudly and then gasps.

"I forgot about that!" She whisper shouts before laughing again.

This time I laugh with her and then glance up at Harry. He has this horrified expression on his face.

"You have cancer?" He whispers.

"Yeah! For like a week now!" I laugh.

"You've known you have cancer for a week and you hadn't told me yet?!" He asks me.

"Yeah!" I say, getting up and stumbling away from him. "It's Mel- Mel. Oh what's the word?!"

"Melanoma." Meredith says. I point at her.

"That one!" I say victoriously.

"You're coming home now!" Harry rumbles at me.

"But we're having fun!" I whine. Suddenly, I feel really wobbly.

"Stop shaking!" I yell at Harry.

"You're drunk, Jezebel. Let's go!" Harry says, coming closer.

"I don't feel so good." I say and then I throw up.

"I don't think that's supposed to be red." I say right before I pass out.


Like my "Grey's Anatomy" references there.




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