Chapter 6: No More

Start from the beginning

Kelley's POV
Alex and me took a walk and went to the training room to get some pre wrap when we both heard a scream from the locker room.
"What was that?" I ask Alex.

Then we see Lauren run out of the locker room in a hurry. She was already gone before we could say a word to her. Alex and me rush into the locker room and see Ali Krieger on the ground holding her knee in pain.

"ALI!!" Alex yells as she rushes to her side.
I go on the other side of her and I squeeze her hand.
"Kriegy what happened?!?" I ask her but she's in to much pain to answer.

"Kelley get the wheelchair that's in the training room!"
I nod and rush out to get the wheelchair. Once I get it I rush back into the locker room where Ali and Alex were.

We both help her onto the wheelchair which was a bit of a struggle because Ali was in to much pain.
I grab her crutches and her new bottle of pills for her knee that was on the ground. Alex pushes her wheelchair to the elevator. We get in the elevator and impatiently wait for it to get to her floor.
"It hurts!" Ali yells out.
"Your gonna be okay Ali." I tell her.

When we get to her room Alex immediately gets ice from the freezer. I get a glass of water and get medicine for her to take. When Alex puts the ice on her knee and she takes the medicine she begins to calm down.

"Ali you need to tell me what happened right now." Alex says in a rather serious tone. I nudge her a bit and tell her to take it easy a little which she does.

Then Ali began to speak.
"I went to the locker room to get some pink pre wrap for you Alex since you said you needed some. As I was opening my locker I hear someone come in and it was Lauren. We scream and argue back and forth with each other then.....then I pushed her into the lockers first. Then she punched me and we started to fight... It went back and forth and she pushed me and I landed on my knee really hard."

"Ali why do you keep fighting? You know it will only make things a lot worse." Alex says.

"She hurt me Alex. What part don't you get? I just can't stand her anymore."

"We are all on the same team. So you better fix this or I don't know what's gonna happen." Once Alex said that she got up and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. So it was just me and Kriegy.

"Are you gonna leave me to?" Ali says to me. I looked into her eyes and I felt bad for her.

"I'm not going anywhere." I say back.
"But can you tell me what went down with you and Lauren?"

Ali sighs and tells me everything.

"I guess it started senior year. I was new to the school and didn't know anyone. I tried out for the soccer team and I made the team. There I met Tobin, Alex, and Lauren. Not to brag but I was good. I was really good. I did anything I could to start every game. One game our coach didn't start Lauren Cheney. He started me in for her position. Obviously I was excited I mean who wouldn't want to start a game? Pretty soon I was starting most games and Lauren got jealous I guess. She hated me for taking her spot so she was always rude to me. She embarrassed me in school, she didn't invite me to any of the soccer parties, and she was just so rude to me.
Then one day at lunch she pushed me, causing me to fall and spill my lunch all over myself. Everyone in the cafeteria laughed at me. I cried and ran out of the lunch room. I stayed in the bathroom the rest of the day and ditched the rest of my classes. Finally once school was out I ran home. I cut myself... I even thought about killing myself..."

She showed me her arms that had scars that were sort of faded away. I felt broken seeing them. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

Ali continued.

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