Chapter 2 *Dani's pov*

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I woke up to my alarm for school and just smacked the snooze button. Eight minutes later the dreadful sound came again. I got up and did my usual routine. I got dressed, brushed my teeth and hair, and ate in a matter of ten minutes but was still rushed out the door.

I barely made the bus, as usual, but still had my spot next to Lilly. Lilly always has droopy eyes in the morning and manages to slip a cup of coffee past the bus driver everyday.

As she sipped I told her about my encounter with Hayes.

"Danielle Marie Erneston!" She almost shouted "You idiot!"

My story definitely woke her up.
"Hey! In my defense I didn't get a good long look at him before I went to work on his bike!"

She just smiled and shook her head
"Oh what am I gonna do with you".

School was school and I couldn't wait till it was done.

About a million years later I found myself back on the bus coming home. I didn't live too far from my high school so in a matter of minutes I was walking from my bus stop. I looked down at my phone and was looking at my snapchats  when a voice came out and made me jump so much I dropped my phone. I turned around and noticed it was Hayes who was casually sitting on the grass.

"Jesus Hayes! You scared the crap out of me!" Luckily my phone didn't crack.

"Oh sorry," he said smirking, "but I wanted to thank you about yesterday".

For some reason butterflies were going crazy in my stomach.

"I was gonna be late for dinner and my mom would've killed me" he continued, "so can I walk you home or something?"

I was so shocked I almost didn't reply
"Uhh yea sure my street is about four blocks from here."

He smiled VERY cutely and got up to walk next to me.

"So are you new to the neighborhood?" I asked

"Yeah we moved in three days ago and I've been bored ever since. So are you walking home from school or something?"

"Ya but there's only like a week left of  my senior year so I'm excited to finally get out of high school. What about you?"

He paused for a moment before answering "Well I'm homeschooled but since I procrastinate with it a lot I still have a month left. But what are your plans for afterwards, like the future I guess?"

"Well I applied to a couple of colleges here in Florida but I really want to go to this art school in New York. I love to paint."

"Really?" He said with raised eyebrows

"Yeah" I sighed "I love the way how you can just lose yourself in all the colors and create a whole new landscape within a couple of hours" I started getting the way I always do when I try and talk about painting and I almost forgot Hayes was there. I looked over at him and he was just smiling.
"Sorry" I mumbled as I blushed.

"No it's cute. When your that passionate about something you shouldn't be afraid to show your emotions" he looked over at me in such a way that gave me goosebumps.

It was so hard to look away from those intense eyes but I had to break the gaze and say "Well my street is right here..."

Did I see disappointment in his eyes?

"Thanks for walking with me" I said to Hayes "see you around" I smiled at him and turned away.

"Wait! Dani!"

I spun around.

He continued "I'd still like to get to know maybe....would you want to catch a movie and maybe dinner or something?"

My heart was beating so fast. Is he asking me out?! Thankfully my mouth knew what to say
"Yea I'd like that" I smiled and turned away before I could do anything else embarrassing.

I could almost hear the grin on his face and felt his eyes follow me all the way down the street.

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